Chapter 6

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Tundra's POV

I got out of bed and left the pack house. I needed to go on a run. I shifted into my wolf and ran around the woods. I found a creek and I drank some water from it. I wandered around the woods for a bit. I was suddenly tackled to the ground. I yelped and squirmed around.

'We've been looking for you.' A familiar voice echoed through my head.

I whimpered and tried to move. My tail was bit and I yelped again.

'You need to be disinclined again.' Beta Jack snarled in my head.

I whimpered. 'N-no! Please! I'm sorry!' I cried.

I was clawed in the face. I let out a pained whimper. I was scratched and bit over and over again. I heard familiar growling.

'We will be back for you.' Beta Jack snapped in my head

I whined lowly when he got off of me and ran.

'Tundra?' Ash's voice rung through my head.

I was bleeding out an I was too weak to answer. I felt myself shift into my human. I felt myself being picked up in warm arms.

"Hang in there Tundra." Ash whispered as he started running towards the pack house.

Kestrel's POV

"Kestrel! I need your help now!" I heard my brother scream with his mind. I jogged to the instructor. "I must go! My brother's in trouble."

I raced out of the room and down the stairs to the bottom level. My brother was looking around frantically. His eyes set on me and he ran to me.

A limp Tundra was in his arms. "What happened?" I ask. He runs to the stairs and I follow him.

"What happened?" I ask again. "I don't know!" He snapped.

We ran to the infirmary and he set her on an empty cot. "I NEED A DOCTOR!" He bellowed.

A woman scurried out of the back room and looked over Tundra. "She's lost a lot of blood, she would've needed a transfusion if you didn't get her here within half an hour."

Ash looks over at Tundra. "Just get her better." He says. The doctor nods and goes into the backroom to get her medical tools.

I sit down by Ash and hug his arm. His shirt and hands are bloody. I grab a nearby cloth and wipe off his arms and hands.

I can't even imagine the pain he is in. It makes me want to cry to see him like this.

I wipe off his face and set the cloth in the wash bucket.

The doctor begins to heal Tundra and I feel Ash stop tensing.

She'll be okay.

"She's strong brother, you'll both make it."

He holds me closer and I rest my head on him. I slowly fall asleep.

Tundra's POV

Every time I felt something touch me I whimpered. My whole body was in pain. After a while I opened my eyes and saw a distraught looking Ash and his sleeping sister, Kestrel beside him.

He gently moved away from his sister and rushed over to me. He looked at my wounds and a sad look washed over his features.

"I-I'm sorry..." I whimpered.

I didn't mean for this to happen. I just wanted to get some fresh air. All I ever do is cause trouble for everyone.

"Don't you dare apologize. You were on my territory, they shouldn't have been there." Ash said as he moved some of my hair out of my face.

"I-if I would've just stayed h-here..." I hiccuped, not being able to finish my sentence without breaking into tears.

"Tundra, it's okay. You are allowed to go wherever you want. Next time, tell me when you want to leave and I'll go with you or send out my guards or Kestrel to go with you." Ash said as he gently kissed my forehead.

I nodded my head. He sat back down next to Kestrel. I closed my eyes for much needed rest.

Kestrel's POV

I sat in the fields of blooming flowers. They were tiger lilies, my favorite flowers. Buzzing bees pollinated the flowers.

I was currently in my wolf form, but doesn't mean I couldn't enjoy where I was.

This was my safe place, my happy place. I came here when I was unhappy or felt threatened.

The moonlight was at it's high and I looked up. It enchanted my eyes with it's shine.

It glitened on me and I was at ease. I raised my head to it and howled. The sound filled the valley with a song.

Then I heard another howl. I stopped mine and saw an average sized orangey werewolf.

He howled at the moon and his song was beautiful. He stops howling and walks over to me. He shifts into a human and I look up at him.

He has dark brown hair that reached his ears. His eyes were emerald green and glistened like the moon.

I shifted into my human form and looked at him. He sat down and I followed. "Hello Kestrel." He says.

His voice is rough and deep. He doesn't look like anyone I know. "Who are you?" I ask.

He smiles "I'm your soul mate." He says. He picks up my hand and kisses the back of it.

"You don't love someone for their looks or smarts. You love them because they sing a song only you can hear."

He then begins to vocalize notes and sings to me. I lay in his arms and gently fall asleep.

I wake up in Ash's arms and yawn. I carefully lift it and walk out to go get something to eat.

Tundra's POV

I woke up again and I looked around. I saw Ash was still sleeping. I didn't want to bother him so I tried to get up myself. I almost fell off of the cot but Ash caught me.

"Be careful Tundra." Ash said.

"S-sorry." I said.

He carefully lifted me back on to the cot. He looked at my tattered clothes.

"You and Kestrel are going shopping." He said.

His eyes glazed over momentarily, indicating he was mind linking someone, most likely Kestrel. My theory proved correct when Kestrel walked through the door.

"You and Tundra are going shopping. She needs new clothes." He handed Kestrel a card.

"Buy whatever you need." Ash said.

He kissed the top of my rad and exited the infirmary. Kestrel smiled at me.

"Let's go." She said happily as she lead me to a shopping center.

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