Chapter 17

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Kestrel's POV

I run straight back to my room. How could I be so stupid? I open my door and slam it behind me.

Tundra trusted me with a secret and I couldn't keep it for an hour! I leap onto my bed and cry into the pillow.

She trusted me. Wait, what if Ash thought I was the one who is pregnant?

That can't be possible, Liam and I haven't done it and we've only known each other for a few days.

I pull my blankets over my head and cry some more. I feel like I just stabbed someone in the back.

The door opens and Liam walks in. "Kestrel! What's wrong?" He rushes over to me.

"I-I leaked a sec-ret." I stammer out. He hugs me and I cry into his chest. Me and my big mouth.

Tundra's POV

Ash looked at me.

"Tundra, what's going on?" Ash asks sternly.

I shrug my shoulders. "Tundra, tell me now." Ash growls.

I shrug my shoulders again, lying that I don't know. Ash snarled as he gently slammed me against the wall. Tears pooled in my eyes. He was crying too.

"Please tell me what's going on Tundra." He tried hard to hold back his sobs.

"I'm afraid to!" I exclaimed in his head, crying as well.

"Please Tundra, please..." He whimpered as he let go of me and fell to his knees.

I took a deep breath and got on my knees as well. I hugged Ash.

"I'm pregnant..." I whispered in his head.

Ash stopped crying and looked at me. His eyes were wide with excitement.

"Really?!" He asked excitedly.

I nodded my head shakily. He gets up and easily picks me up. He spins me around happily.

"I can't believe it! I'm going to be a dad!" He yells.

He sighs as he carefully sets me on my feet.

"I thought Kestrel was pregnant. You scared the shit out of me." Ash breathed.

I laughed lightly. "I was going to castrate Liam." Ash chuckled.

I chuckled with him and he kissed me happily.

Kestrel's POV

I sat in the field with my mother. "I gave it away mother." I say to her. She looks down at me.

"It's okay dear Kestrel, she doesn't care." My mother reassures me. She wipes away a stray tear from my face.

I stand up in the field. "I betrayed her mom, I feel extremely bad for it." My mother sighs and stands by me.

"Stop being so dramatic Kestrel, she. Doesn't. Care." My mother states. She grips me by the shoulders.

"Listen to me! She is happy, Ash is happy, please just be happy." My mother demands.

I hug her and she wipes away my hair. "Go be happy, raise a fami-." She cuts herself off and covers her mouth.

"What?" I ask her. Then everything goes white.

I wake up next to Liam in my bed. I sit up and look around. Why didn't my mom finish her sentence?

Tundra's POV

I hadn't realized I went to bed. Ash arms were positioned as if he was protectively holding my belly. I smiled. I jumped out of the bed and ran to the bathroom. Ash wasn't far behind me. He held back my hair and rubbed my back.

After I was done with my puking episode, Ash stood up.

"I'm going to get Kestrel. Stay here." He yawned.

I nodded my head. I put my face back into the toilet bowl and continued puking. It's not like I'm going anywhere Ash.

Ash came back in with Kestrel. She sat next to me and rubbed my back. She smiled widely when I was done throwing up.

"Why the hell are you smiling?" I asked.

"Because, I can hear the baby's heart beat..." She paused and then her smile got even brighter.

"What?" I questioned.

"I can hear two heartbeats." She said all giddy like.

Whoa, what? I'm having twins?!

Kestrel's POV

She looked at Ash, he could hear it as well. "I have to go to the doctors though." Ash looked at me with a serious look.

"I'm not pregnant doofus, I'm just going for a check on my wounds." I lied.

He nods and let's me pass him. I walk out of the room and down the hallway.

I am going to find out what my mother meant.

I walk in and see one of the doctors cleaning up the beds. "Excuse me?" I ask her.

She looks over at me. "Yes Alpha?" She asks. "I need a test." I say. She stops tidying up and looks at me.

"What kind of test?" I take a breath. "I need a blood test, to see my hormone levels and see if I can have kids."

Her eyes widen. "Please." I ask her. She nods and goes into the supply closet.

I sit down on one of the long chairs as she comes out. She next the small pin next to me and pulls out a needle.

I fidget in my spot a little bit. She pulls my arm and pokes me where my arm bends.

I groan and she pulls it up, my blood flowing into the glass container. She pulls out the needle and I relax.

She grab a cloth and wipes the area where she stuck the needle in. She takes the needle and walks into the back room.

"It'll just be a few minutes Alpha." She says. "Okay." I mumble. I look at my arm and realize what I've done.

"Shit." I whisper. The door opens and Liam walks in. "I knew I felt something." He mutters to himself.

He kneels down by me. "Are you okay? Why are you here?" He bombarded me with questions.

"Liam go now." I demand. He looks at me confused. "What? Why?" He asks. I get up and start pushing him. "Get out!" He turns around and grabs my arms.

"Why Kestrel?" I look away and it's too late. The doctor has the results. "I'm sorry Alpha, you're infertile."

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