Chapter 27

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Kestrel's POV

I woke up in the arms of Liam. He must've carried me back.

I sit up carefully, I don't want to wake him.

I run my hand through my hair and look at my calender

A big circle marks today.

It's adoption day.

I cover my mouth from screaming.

I hop up and grab some clean clothes.

I run into the bathroom and take off my dirty clothes.

I start the shower and clean myself.

Basically I do my entire morning routine in about half an hour.

When I exit the bathroom I almost bump into Liam.

"What's going on?" He asks. "It's adoption day!" I squeal.

I push him into the bathroom. "Hurry! Get ready!"

He closes the door behind him and I sit down at my vanity mirror.

I do up my hair in a high ponytail and do some light makeup.

Liam walks out with wet hair and clean clothes. "Are you as excited as I am?" I ask him.

He nods and smiles. "Of course I am." He replies.

I link my arm through his and we walk downstairs.

For the moment I forget about my mother and Tundra's baby.

Tundra's POV

I woke up in my house, sleeping next to Ash. I heard a baby's cry so I got up and carefully went to the nursery.

I opened the door and I saw Jakob sleeping in one crib and Aiden in the other. I saw Aiden was crying and flailing his arms so I went over to his crib and picked him up. I gently rocked him back and fourth.

He eventually quieted down and fell asleep in my arms. I felt arms go around my waist and I look up to see Ash. He rests his head on my shoulder.

"We have to move on. She isn't coming back. We have to be strong, for Aiden and Jakob. And we have to do it for Kestrel, Liam and the whole pack. Everyone's future depends on us, an them." Ash whispers as he points to our pups.

"I know. I just feel like it's my fault. I feel like I could've done some to stop... Him." I spat with every fibre of hate in my body.

"It wasn't, okay Tundra? What did I tell you? It wasn't your fault, it was his." Ash said quietly as he kissed my ear.

I sighed and sat down in the rocking chair. Ash went over and gently took Jakob from his crib. He came over and sat next to me, on the floor. And for a while, we just sat there, admiring our pups in silence as we finish mourning over our lost daughter and move on, for the better.

Kestrel's POV

We walk down the hall and I see the adoption place. Liam and I walk in.

The room we enter is the caretakers office.

"Hello Alpha, you're right on time." She says.

She stands up from her desk and motions for us to follow her.

She opens two doors and we see children of many ages running around.

"Now these are our ages 6 and up group." The caretaker explains.

"What age group are you looking for?" She asks Liam and I.

I look up at Liam and he looks at me. 'What should we do?' I ask him.

'Whatever you want love.' He replies. I nod and look at the caretaker.

"Can we see the babies?" I ask her. She nods politely and smiles.

She guides us through the room and opens another set of doors.

A nursery full of about ten babies is behind them.

"Right now we have about four boys and six girls." The caretaker says.

I look around and examine the babies. One little girl catches my eye.

She was particularly small and didn't have much hair.

She was still beautiful.

Liam walks beside me. "Is she the one love?" He asks me.

I nod and carefully pick her up. "What's her name?" I ask the caretaker.

"That one is Amelia, she has been here for about a month." She says.

"Amelia is the one." I tell her.

Tundra's POV

Ash and I took the boys downstairs.

"We haven't introduced them to anyone. Especially Kestrel and Liam." I stated in our mind link.

"Yeah, we will have to tell them." Ash said as he kissed my head.

I looked at the time. It was around lunch time, so I decided to make some food for Ash and I. I held Aiden in my arm as Ash sat at the table and played with Jakob.

"Do we happen to have a playpen?" I asked Ash.

"I'll go get it." Ash smiled as he stood up and exited the kitchen.

He came back moments later and I gently set Aiden in. He whimpered at the loss of my touch. Ash put Jakob in the playpen as well and they curled up together. I smiled as well as Ash.

He gently pushed me against the wall and started kissing me. Things were getting pretty heated and just as it was about to go further, there was a knock at the door. Ash pulled away and looked at me. There was lust and a bit of annoyance in his eyes.

He left the kitchen and I fixed my hair. I finished making lunch and Ash came back in, a worried look on his face.

"You need to get the boys and go back to the pack house. Find Kestrel and Liam and stay with them." Ash said.

"What's going on?" I questioned worriedly.

"Rogues have been spotted around here, I don't want you guys to be in danger. Me and some troops are going to search around and get rid of them." Ash kissed my forehead.

I got the boys and headed back to the pack house, I was escorted by two beta's and Ash. Once we got to the pack house, I searched for Kestrel and Liam.

Kestrel's POV

I sat on my bed with Amelia and watched her sleep, in a non creepy way.

Liam said he was going to search for a new place for us to live.

Somebody knocked on my door and I looked up.

"Come in." I call.

The door opens and Tundra walks in. She looks worried.

"What's the matter?" I ask her. 'Rogues were spotted and Ash wanted me to staunchly with you guys.' She says.

I nod and she sits down beside me. Then I realize she his holding her two babies.

A pang hits me in the chest.

"What are their names again?" I ask her.

'Aiden and Jakob.' She tells me. I nod and she looks at Amelia.

'Who is that?' She asks me. "This our daughter Amelia." I say.

She smiles 'I'm happy for you guys.' "Same here."

Amelia starts crying and I coddle her. I stand up and grab her a bottle.

I sit back down beside Tundra and feed Amelia.

'Where's Liam?' She asks me. "He's going to look for a house for us to live in."

She nods and silence fills the room.

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