Chapter 35

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Kestrel's POV

I sat on my bed staring at the wall. I had to pass initiation if I wanted to gain a little trust. I'm currently on lock down because of the pack I come from.

Talk about racist.

Anyways, I found out that the Red River Pack aren't just monsters. They are sick in the head.

To live, you have to pass three out of five rounds of fighting. If you are in the fifth round, you have to fight to the death.

I stand up and look at the shirt and shorts spread out on the dresser for me. The colour theme was red and black of course.

I quietly slipped them on and look in the mirror leaning against the wall. I couldn't mind link anyone since I technically left my pack members.

Liam wasn't answering me.

Ash had too many thoughts running though his mind to pay attention.

Tundra was taking care of her children.


I clasp my hand over my mouth. I am the worst mother in the entire world.

I have to do this though.

I have to do this to keep her safe from these sick twisted maniacal bastards.

I grab elastic bands and tie up my hair into two pigtails.

I'm am doing this for her.

The door bursts open and a rotten stench fills my nose.

"Time for initiation." A female says.



Tundra's POV

I had the entire pack go on lock down. Currently, there was tons of people in my house. They were protecting my pups and I. No one in my pack was outside.

My pack.

That's right. I am their Luna and they need me.

"We will secure the perimeters of all houses on the territory. I want you to mind link everyone you can and tell them to lock up their houses and get into their basements until further notice, Luna's orders."

I demanded to the two betas, the three deltas and the five gammas that were standing before me.

"Yes Luna." They said in unison.

I went around ordering pack members what to do. Jakob was balling his eyes out as the doctor tried to soothe him.

"Luna, I don't know what will happen. He is in so much pain right now." She mumbled.

"Fix him dammit." I growled loudly.

"Luna, it's better to let him go." The doctor suggested.

"NEVER!!" I roared loudly.

Everyone went silent except for Jakob who was wailing loudly.

"Help. Him." I snarled.

She nodded and continued her work. I was going to break, Ash needs to come back.

"Ash, it's Jakob..." I sobbed into his head.

"What is it Tundra? Is he okay?" Ash asked worriedly.

"I don't know... Ash, he was bitten by a vampire..." I whimpered.

"Fuck. I'm coming home right now, lock down the pack." Ash ordered.

"I already did." I said.

"I'll be home asap." Ash stated.

I closed the mind link and sighed. I will not let anything happen to any of my boys.

Kestrel's POV

My fist connects with the female wolf's face and she spots out blood. I raise my leg and kick her in the gut.

She doubles over and groans, I shove her down and lean over her. I spit on her face and then begin to punch her face.

I'm not the sick bastard here, believe me.

"Finish!" The pack leader calls.

I step up and wipe the blood that drips from my mouth. I look down at her growl.

A delta grabs my arm and leads me down a long hallway. He pushes me into the infirmary and a man stand there with a syringe in his hands.

The door closed behind me. I sit down on a stretcher and wait. The man turns around and I study his face.


"Liam?" I ask him.

He nods and I begin to cry. "You bastard! What about Amelia?" I whisper.

"She's being watched by Tundra and the pack." He tells me.

I stand up and hug him tightly around the waist.

"Why did you come?" I ask him.

"I'm your mate, I know you like the back of my hand." He tells me.

Tundra's POV

I paced around, my eyes full of tears. I hope Ash knows what to do... The doctor couldn't do anything, so she had left. Jakob wouldn't stop crying. The tears ran down my face. Ash, where are you...

Just as that thought entered my head, Ash burst through the door. He came right over to me.

"Where is he?" He asked worriedly.

I pointed to the play pen I had set up. Jakob wailed loudly and I cringed. My baby was in pain. Ash ran over to Jakob and picked him up. I fell to my knees and sobbed loudly.

"No, no, no, no, no!!" Ash cried as he found the vampire bite mark.

"No, this can't be happening, Tundra, what the hell happened?" Ash asked, his voice cracking.

"Well isn't this sweet." A sickly voice hissed.

I jumped up and looked around, immediately on my guard. In the corner of the room, I saw a vampire come out of the shadows. I growled lowly at the bastard.

"How dare you hurt my son!" I bellowed.

He chuckled.

"Wouldn't you love to know." He cackled.

I lunged at him, shifting into my wolf. I went to grab his neck, but he moved and wrapped his arms around me. Oh, no. This is the end.

"NO!!" Ash wailed loudly.

A loud crack was heard and everything went silent, even the sound of Jakob's cries. My body was released as my limp form fell to the ground. I let out a soft whimper.

"That will teach you to mess with me." The vampire spat as he disappeared.

"No!" I heard Ash cry again.

In seconds, I felt gentle hands touching my body.

"Oh my god, Tundra, please don't be dead..." Ash whimpered.

"Liam needs to get home now." Ash growled and whimpered at the same time.

Where the hell are you guys?

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