Chapter 3

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Kestrel's POV

I managed to get back to sleep after that dream. I awoke at sunrise and stretched. Hopefully my brother is awake.

I got out of bed and shifted into a wolf. I nudged the door open and tried to mind link with my brother. 'Are you awake brother?'

It takes a few minutes before he replies. 'I'm in my room with Tundra.' So that's the girl's name. It's beautiful.

I walk over to his room and open the door. Tundra still sleeps in his, well I guess their bed. My brother however watches her in his wolf form.

"Please don't tell me you're going to reject her." I tell him. "No, I could never do that, she's in so much pain already."

I sit beside him. He has an orangey brown coat and his eyes are dark chocolate brown. We are roughly the same size. Him being taller.

'I had a dream last night.' I say. He looks down at me. "I was in my human form, walking through the war grounds."

"Wolves from another pack found me and closed in, I howled for you after I shifted then we fought."

He looks at me with curiosity. "Then I found my mate within the war." He looks at Tundra's sleeping form as she begins to stir.

"Don't hurt her Ash." I say. He nods and walks over to her. I walk out of the room.

Tundra's POV

I was back in the cold dark cell. I whimpered as I looked for an escape. I ran to the bars, trying to pry them open. My hands started burning and I quickly pulled them away. Wolfsbane coated the bars. I whined as I weakly backed away.

I heard heavy footsteps and I tried to hide. The cell door swung open and in came the beta. He smiled as he stalked closer to me. I cowered away in the corner of my cell.

"You're so lucky that I'm going to mate with you. No one would want your stupid, pathetic, weak self." The beta spat with hatred.

I whimpered. He took a silver knife and started cutting my arms and legs.

I shot awake, breathing heavily. The alpha rushed over to me.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

I whimper as I move away from him. Why does he want to be mates with me when I'm broken and scarred. He tried to come closer but I move backwards until I'm at the end of the bed.

"Please Tundra, I'm not going to hurt you. Nobody is, especially not while I'm with you." The alpha says with sadness in his eyes.

I didn't want to get to close to him I know he's going to reject me. No one would want me.

Kestrel's POV

I walked down the cool hallway. I went down the stairs and saw the entrance. I have been to the war zone before.

I must see if my dream is real.

I exit the pack house and start running towards the clearing. I begin to see claw marks on the trees.

I stop running and come to a complete stop before shifting into a human. I touch the now faded claw marks and feel the wood underneath the bark.

I recoil and feel a splinter lodge itself into my index finger. I hiss and pull it out.

I leave the tree and follow the rest of the marks. They become more vibrant as I near.

Then the trees spread and I see it. The soft grass becomes packed down dirt. I look around and see nothing.

Maybe I was wrong.

I shift back into a wolf and turn around to leave.

Tundra's POV

The alpha sighed and gave up. He got up and he left. I laid back down and went to sleep again.


"Stupid omega." The beta shook his head,

I whimpered as I tried to get away from him. He walked closer with the silver knife in his hand. My whole body was trembling. He inched closer.

"P-please beta! I won't do it again!" I cried.

I had tried to escape but I was caught. He grabbed my arm and lifted up my sleeve. There was other marks there from when I disobeyed. He pressed the knife into a clear area on my arm. I screamed in pain as the mixture of wolfsbane and silver dug in my skin.

I shot awake and the alpha was there. He had a worried look on his face.

"Are you okay Tundra?" He asks.

I nod my head and scoot away from him. He sighed and got up. He had a sad look on his face.

"I'll get you something to eat." He says as he exits the room.

Kestrel's POV

That's when I saw them.

They came out of the bush and snarled. I flared my teeth but it did me no good.

They walked up to me and circled. I growled but they just repeated me. Then they attacked.

I bit and clawed at a few but they overwhelmed me. I collapsed onto the ground and whimpered.

Then all of a sudden they stopped.

I heard them shift and look up. "You don't know us Alpha, but we know you." One of them say.

I look up and see a tall man. He had broad shoulders and shaggy hair. His caramel brown eyes pierced the ground.

"You have one of ours, and we want her back." He came close to my ear. "I know you can talk, so answer me!"

He cut me with a blade and I cried out in pain. It must've been silver. I shifted into a human and struggled for my breath.

I grasped my stomach where he cut me. "Now, do you have her?" He asks. I don't answer him and he cuts a line on my neck. This time the blade is coated with wolfsbane.

I spit blood onto the ground and looked up at him. "Go to hell." He sighed and kicked me in the stomach.

I rolled over and cried. I heard him crouch down next to me. Then a set of footsteps sound by my head and feet.

I felt hands on my feet and on my arms. Then the alpha began cutting my back. I screamed and cried as he carved into me.

He traced patterns and lines. He finished off with a circle in the middle. Then the hands left me and I heard them run off.

I coughed up blood and stood up, taking most of my strength. I'd get there faster as a wolf but I'm too weak.

I stumbled back home.

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