Chapter 32

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Kestrel's POV

''Kestrel, I need your help, come to my house.' Tundra says through my mind. I get off of the couch and storm outside.

I shift into my wolf form and begin to run to her house. While I run I think about the events that happened just moments before.

''Fucking asshole doesn't even believe his own mate.' I think.

I run straight to her house and shift into my human form. I run up the stairs to Tundra and Ash's room. When I open the door I see Tundra cuddling her crying babies.

"Where the hell is Ash?" I ask her. "He's dealing with a rogue bastard who tried to kill my children." She spits out like it's venom.

I growl and sit down next to her. "Can you help me with these two?" She asks. I nod and grab Aiden from her.

I gently rock him and sing a little lullaby in his ear. He quiets down and and I lay back on her bed.

Tundra's POV

I rocked Jakob softly. No one was going to hurt my pups, ever.

'Hey baby, is everything alright? Are the boys okay? Are you okay?' Ash bombards me with questions.

'Yeah, we're fine. Kestrel is here now and is helping with the boys.' I replied.

'I'll be home as soon as I can Tundra, stay safe. I love you.' Ash says.

'I will. I love you too.' I state as we close the mind link.

I turned my attention back to Jakob. Since Aiden's and Jakob's father is an alpha, they will grow quicker than normal. It looks like they are about 7 months when they are only a month or so.

Jakob cooed happily as he pulled on some of my hair. I got lost in his beautiful baby eyes. I looked over and saw Kestrel was asleep, cuddling with Aiden. I heard the door open and I saw Ash.

He walked over to me and embraced me. He took Jakob from me and checked him over for wounds. He sighed in relief when he didn't see any. He carefully handed me back Jakob and went to check Aiden.

"I'm sorry I couldn't do anything..." I whispered.

"What do you mean? You stopped-." Ash starts but I stop him.

"Not now, not the boys. N-Nicole." I choked on her name.

Ash came over to me and hugged me tightly, being cautious of Aiden and Jakob.

"There was nothing you could've done." Ash whispers.

I decide not to argue and I snuggle into Ash as he sits beside me on the floor. He cradled Aiden and I cuddle Jakob. As long as we're together, nothing can hurt us. We all fell asleep.

Kestrel's POV

I wake up in Ash and Tundra's bed. I yawn and sit up carefully so I don't wake them. I tiptoe out of the room.

I shift into my wolf form and begin to run. As much as I don't want to see Liam right now, I want to see Amelia.

My house is in sights as I continue to run. Then, I'm bulldozed over. I roll over and get back on me feet.

I crouch down and growl. Through the dark bushes I see glowing eyes. I growl louder once they come out.

Wolves from the Red River Pack crowd around me and snarl. 'What do you want.' I demand.

They back up a little bit and shift into humans. "Let us talk like reasonable people, please shift Alpha Kestrel."

I snarl before shifting. "How did you find me?" I bark.

"Rogues gave us hints on where you were. They were good for something for once." A male says.

"What do you want with me and my family?" I ask.

A female snorts. "It's just you we want at the moment."

They begin to close in and I crouch into a fighting stance.

"Why do you want me?" I question.

"Protection, they won't attack if they know we have you." The male voice says again.

Then it begins.

They close in me quickly, but I scramble away quickly. I pick up a sharp stick and grip it tight.

One darts for me and I hit him in the face, knocking him down.

Two more run for me and I smirk. I hit one in the torso, slide onto the ground and trip them both.

I get prepared to finish them off when I'm hit in the back of the head.

I fall to the ground and look up with blurry vision. The last thing I see is a rock about to hit me in the head.

Tundra's POV

I woke up from a frantic call from Liam.

'Tundra! It's Kestrel, people from the Red River pack have her.' Liam said in a panic.

'I'm on my way.' I replied.

There is no way I'm letting them hurt Kestrel. I carefully set Jakob in Ash's arms. I got up and left without him noticing. I ran out of our house and shifted, running towards Liam and Kestrel's house.

Liam was standing outside with Amelia in his arms.

"I picked up their scent. I know where they are." Liam said.

"We will get troops to scou-." I started.

"No Tundra, I have to save her, now." Liam growls.

"Liam, you have a daughter, okay? She needs you now that her mother isn't here." I told him.

He looked hesitant but agreed none the less. We both went back to mine and Ash's house. I went upstairs and saw Ash was still sleeping, but Aiden was gone.

"Ash!" I screamed.

He didn't move.

'ASH!!!' I screamed in his head.

Still nothing.

Then I realized he was knocked out. Then I smelt it. Rogue.

"Oh my god.... They have Aiden." I whispered.

Kestrel's POV

My eyes fluttered open slowly and I tried to move. My hands were locked up with chains.

I heard a babies cry and then I passed out again.

When my eyes opened up again, I felt a lump in my lap. I looked down with blurry sight and saw a bundle of blankets.

Then Aiden's face.

I tried to move myself, but if I stood up, I would drop Aiden. Oh god, Tundra, Liam, Ash.

I pulled my restraints and grunted from the pain. Shit, it's silver.

It burned my wrists, but I didn't focus on the pain. I wanted to focus on getting Aiden and I out of here alive.

"You'll find it's impossible to escape." A woman's voice said.

I look up and see Jack's aunt.

I snarl and she leans closer and studies me. "We will feed you once a day and the child whenever he needs it." She says.

"Why bother?" I demand.

"We need you alive, you'll be our weapons of defence. If they come in, then we'll threaten to slaughter both of you." She smiles.

"What if they ignore your threats." I ask.

"Then we kill you without a moments hesitation." She leans back.

I try to mind link them but the silver limits my power.

"Your fate lies in their hands." Jack's aunt sneers.

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