Chapter 18

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Tundra's POV

I was so bored! Ash wouldn't let me do anything. There was a knock at the door. I sighed and got up to open it. Kestrel stood there, crying.

"What's wrong?" I asked her in the mind link.

She sobs and comes into the room. I closed the door and locked it. I sat beside her and held her hands. Her body shook.

"I can't have kids..." She mumbled.

"Why not? I'm sure Liam would love kids and don't worry about Ash-." I said to her but she cut me off.

"I'm infertile..." She cries.

"Oh...." I replied as I have her a comforting hug.

She cried as I rubbed her back.

"It'll be okay, you can always adopt." I said to her.

"But I wanted a kid of my own..." She whimpers.

I frown and hug her. The door knob turns but doesn't open.

"I know you're in here Kestrel, can we please talk?" Liam begged.

I looked at Kestrel. She sighed and nodded. I got up and opened the door.
"I'm just, gonna leave." I said as I went downstairs and outside.

Hopefully those two can figure it out.

Kestrel's POV

Liam sat down beside me. I curled up in a ball and turned my back to him. "Kestrel.." Liam starts.

"Go, I can't give you everything Liam." I whisper loud enough for him to hear.

"You have given me everything Kestrel, everything and more." He says.

"You don't understand Liam. I will never be a full mother." I stand up and run my hands through my hair.

"I will never feel the babies kick, I will never feel it's heartbeat. I will never create life." The tears pour down my face.

"Do you know how it is when someone tells you you can't have kids because your body basically doesn't want to?"

By this time I was hyperventilating and crying. "That's the saddest story you can be given other than my baby died!"

I collapse onto the ground and curl into a ball. "I just want to have a little baby to call my own."

Liam crouched down beside me and picks me up. He carries me and I continue to weep.

I heard voices but we went past them and kept going. He set me down and I opened my eyes.

We were now in my room. He sat down beside me and stayed silent. At this moment I was thankful for it.

Tundra's POV

I shifted and walked around outside. I was still a bit shocked that I was having twins.

"Tundra, where are you? Why aren't you in bed, resting?" Ash asks me.

"I got bored so I went out." I replied simply.

"Tundra, this is serious, where are you?!" Ash bellowed, sounding panicked.

His fear was pulsing through my veins, I could feel it.

"Is everything okay?" I asked him.

"Tundra, get home now!" Ash shouted.

"What's wrong?" I questioned, worriedly.

I heard snarls and growls. I looked around and whimpered. The Red River pack was back and they were angry. One of them stalked closer to me. I backed away, then I stopped.

This wasn't a time for me to be weak. I had two pups and I needed to protect them. Jack came out in his human form. He tsked and looked at me disappointedly.

"You're such a whore. You're already carrying pups." He spat.

I growled at him. He faked his shock.

"Oh my, you have gotten a little bit disobedient, we might have to fix that." Jack smirked.

He nodded his head and three wolves pinned me down. I yelped and trashed around. Jack slowly inched forward with a silver blade. He held it at eye level, aiming for my abdomen. My eyes widened as I continued to thrash around.

"Say bye-bye to your precious mutts." Jack smirked evilly.

He was about to stab me when he was tackled to the ground. Ash's wolf snarled viciously as he went for Jack's throat. However, Jack was quicker. He stabbed Ash in the side and we both yelped in pain.

Jack pushed him off and came back for me. That's when Kestrel and Liam came running.

"Dammit! Ash you shouldn't have called them! They could get hurt too!" I yelled at Ash through the mind link.

Jack ignored them as he went to stab my stomach again, me still thrashing around wildly.

Kestrel's POV

I whip around and see Jack towering over Tundra. 'No fucking way!' I growled through mind link.

I barreled towards Jack and knocked him off. He clawed and thrashed. He was stronger than me, but I was quicker.

He hit me and kept trying to yank me off. I stayed on and bit his shoulder. The metallic taste of blood filled my mouth.

He screamed and finally pulled me off. He picked me up and I struggled to get away. He held me above his head and tossed me.

My back hits a tree and I whimpered. I saw Liam slow down but he kept going. 'Run Tundra!' I yelled at her.

She nodded and ran back to the pack house. I stayed behind her trail to make sure nobody followed her.

'Ash, go back! Liam and I will hold them off!' I yelled at him. He didn't reply and kept fighting a couple of the wolves.

'Dammit Ash!' I barreled to the wolves and knocked them off of him. A pain hit me in the side and I looked at Liam.

He has been tackled by two wolves. 'Go Ash!' I yell once again. He starts running for Tundra. Another pain hits me but it's in the other side.

I run towards Liam and help him fight. 'Run Liam! I'm right behind you!' He nods and begins to run. I flare my teeth and look for one specific person.

I see Jack limping behind a tree. I start running towards him while he's weak and knock him down.

I bite his side then his other leg. The taste of copper fills my mouth again and I spit it out on him. I cal his back and stare at him on the ground.

I shift into my human form and see the wolves starring at me and Jack. "This is why you don't fuck with me and my family!" I yell.

I kick Jack for good measure and shift into a wolf. I begin running for the pack house.

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