Chapter 19

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Tundra's POV

I got back to the pack house, panting heavily. I shifted into my human. There was no one around so I was guessing they're busy. Ash and Liam were right behind me. They shifted into their humans. Ash came running over to me and pulled me in a gentle yet secure hug.

"You scared the shit out of me... I thought he was going to-!" Ash cut himself off as he buried his face in my back.

"I'm sorry..." I whimper in his head.

He let go of the hug and kneeled on the ground. His arms went around my waist as he rested his head on my stomach.

"No one will hurt you." He said to my stomach as he lifted up my shirt a bit and kissed it.

I smiled as tears formed in my eyes. Ash stood back up and hugged me. Kestrel came running out of the woods. She shifted as well and Liam hugged her. He check her over for any wounds. I turn my attention back to Ash.

He looked down into my eyes lovingly. I didn't know how much one man could love a woman until I met Ash. His hand slipped under my chin as he pulled my face up to his. Our lips touched and sparks flew again. I smiled as I pulled away. I hugged him again, tightly.

Kestrel's POV

"You lied to me." He whispered in my ear. I look at his eyes then look down and the ground. "I'm sorry, I just had to make sure he didn't hurt Tundra again."

He lifts up my chin. "I know, just as long your not hurt." He pulled me in for another hug. "What did you do?" He asks me.

"He's your brother." I whisper. He lets me go of me but holds my shoulders. "He stopped being my brother the moment he stepped out of those woods."

I take a deep breath. "I bit him. Numeral times." He nods and kisses my forehead. "I love you Kestrel." He says.

"I love you too." I reply. We all begin to walk back. We walk into the house and Liam and I walk back to our room.

Before I can walk in Ash taps my shoulder. I turn around and he gives me a giant bear hug. "I was worried about you, what did you do to Jack?" He asks.

I laugh under my breath a little. "Let's just say he won't attack anyone for a while." He smiles and pats my head.

I growl a little and he chuckles "That's my sister." I can't help but grin and walk into my room.

Liam is laying down on the bed. I hop beside him and curl up in his side. He wraps his arms around me.

"I'm going to sleep for a bit okay?" I say. He nods and I slowly fall into a peaceful slumber.

Tundra's POV

I was exhausted and Ash had some work to do, so I was all alone. It was dark in the room and I was almost fully asleep. The door opened and I was guessing that Ash was back. He crawled into bed next to me and flipped me over, so our lips met.

My eyes shot open. These weren't Ash's lips. I shoved whoever was kissing me off and I jumped up, out of the bed. The guy gets up and pins me to the wall. He was grunting and breathing heavily. Tears welled up in my eyes as he kissed down my jaw.

He kissed my mark and it burned. I tried so hard to scream but I couldn't. I couldn't mind-link Ash because I couldn't concentrate. I was weak and couldn't defend myself. I was thrown onto the bed and I used this as my chance to get away. I was grabbed and yanked towards my attacker. I whimpered as he began to pull my pants down.

I tried to get out of his hold. I grabbed a near by lamp and hit him in the head. It had no affect and I didn't even break it. I used all of my strength and threw it at the door, hoping someone would hear it and help. I whimpered as the man finally got my sweatpants off. I was still squirming around, trying to escape.

The door flew open and I saw Ash and Kestrel barge in. The guy shot up and ran out the window. I cried as I grabbed my pants and pulled them back on. Ash ran over and held me in his arms. I cried into his chest as he cradled me.

Kestrel turned on the lights and looked around the room for any clues of the intruder. She looked beyond pissed. When she couldn't find anything, she grunted and came over to hug me. I whimpered as I hugged her. I was terrified.

Kestrel's POV

I hugged Tundra as she whimpered into my shoulder. I looked at her and said "Come hell or high water I will end him."

She nods and looks at Ash. He walks over to her and wraps his arms around her. "We need guards posted." He says.

I nod and walk out of the room. I walk down the stairs and into the main hall. I walk into the training room and see many people.

I tap on the instructors shoulder and he turns around. "Yes Alpha?" He asks. "I need at least two guards. Two posted outside of my room and Ash's room at all times."

The instructor nods and walks over to some of his students. He comes back with four wolves. I point at two of them "You two, outside of my quarters."

I walk over to the other two. "You two outside of Ash's quarters." They all nod and make their way to their posts.

I walk out of the room. I'm still pissed off but as long as I am breathing, Tundra, Ash, and Liam will not be hurt.

Oh hell no.

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