Chapter 11

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Tundra's POV

I woke up and whimpered. My neck hurt like crazy. I was in a big empty clearing.

"Where are we?" I asked one of the guards.

"Shut up you stupid mutt." He spat.

"I asked where we were not for your phone number." I growled.

I immediately regretted it because he slapped me across the face. I yelped and went to touchy cheek. That is until I realized my arms were chained together behind my back. I hissed as the silver dug into my skin.

"We're at the war grounds." A delta snarled as he walked by.

"Let me go!" I snap.

I didn't want to die here and I didn't want to die now! I wanted Ash! That's what I wanted. I was kicked multiple times. Each time hurt like hell. I was kicked really hard in the ribs an I screamed when I heard and felt a sickening crack.

"Shut up you filthy weasel!" A gamma spat as he kicked me again.

I heard growling and smelled a familiar scent. Ash was here. I looked around and saw his huge wolf come out of the trees on the other side of the clearing. I spit up blood and made eye contact with him. He shifted into his human. He looked furious.

"Give me my mate back, NOW!!" He bellowed.

"She's my mate now." Beta Jack came out and slowly walked towards me.

He took off my chains and I whimpered when he picked up my injured body and threw me. Ash tried to run forward but a whole bunch of warriors from the Red River Pack held him back.

"Don't hurt her you mongrel!" Ash screamed.

Jack came closer to me and picked me up again. He pulled my shirt from my shoulder to reveal his attempted mark. It still hurt like hell.

"You see this?" Jack bellowed.

I could see it a bit and saw it was still bleeding and it was purple. Ash's eyes flickered black. He was losing control. His wolf was going to take over and destroy anything and everything.

"Let her go!!" He roared loudly.

Jack laughed and held me tighter against him. He put a silver knife to my throat and held it there.

"If I can't have her, no one can." Jack shouted.

The knife slid across my throat and I tried to scream but it was strangled. I fell to my knees as Jack released me. My hands flew to my throat as I try to stop myself from bleeding out.

"NO!!!" Ash screamed loudly.

Just then, wolves from his pack came flying out of the woods. The Red River Pack shifted and went into battle. I closed my eyes as I watched Jack go at Ash.

Kestrel's POV

I clutched my chest in agony. Ash is in trouble, I can feel it in my bones. I tossed off the blanket and got up once again.

"I found her Kestrel. It's very bad!" Ash screamed in my mind. I stood up and took a deep breath.

"I'm coming Ash." I tell him. "No! It's bad enough! Tundra is vitally injured! I can't let you get hurt too!"

My jaw dropped. "She is like my sister Ash! No way in hell am I standing by and letting this happen!"

I shifted into my wolf form and ran out of the infirmary. My paws hurt like hell but I still ran.

"Where are you?" I demanded. He didn't answer so I tracked his scent. It led me to the war grounds where I saw everything.

Injured or dying wolves lie everywhere. The rest were fighting. Including my brother.

Tundra lie across the field. I ran between the fighting wolves. I was almost to her when I was pushed away.

I howled in pain and looked up. An orangey wolf stood above me, staring at me with animal eyes.

It was the wolf from my dream. My mate.

Everything slowed down and he stared at me with gentle eyes now. "You were the one in my dreams." I whispered.

"As you were in mine." He whispers back. I look away for a moment and see Tundra still bleeding.

I look up at the wolf and he gets off of me. I scramble to Tundra and shift into my human form.

I pick her up and look at her neck. It's not cut too deep. Thank you god. I started running back.

Tundra's POV

I woke up and saw Ash and Jack fighting. I was being pulled away from the fight.

'No!' I tried to scream but nothing came out.

I was so weak but I couldn't let anything happen to Ash. I got out of whoever's arms I was in and I shifted into my tiny wolf. I weakly ran towards Jack and Ash. Jack lunged at Ash just as I jumped in front of him. Jack's jaw wrapped around my neck. He applied pressure and I whimpered, losing air. Ash growled loudly and grabbed Jack by his neck, throwing him to the ground.

He pounced on him and tried to get a hold of his neck. Jack kicked him off and ran away, leaving the rest of his living pack. I shifted into my human and fell to the ground. My vision was blurry now.

"Tundra!" I heard Ash's voice shout.

I whimpered as I felt someone pick me up.

"You'll be okay, I promise. Just hang in there." Ash whispered as he held me close to him.

"Kestrel! I need your help!" He shouted.

I blacked out and didn't hear anything else that was said.

Kestrel's POV

I flipped to my brother and ran for him. He gave me a limp Tundra. "Run back! Don't slow down."

I nod and behind running to the pack house. I burst in and ran to the infirmary.

"I need help now!" I yell. One of the doctors scurried out and examined her. "She needs stitches." I nod and grab her the materials needed.

I hand them to her and she begins to work her magic. I feel a twinge in my chest and collapse.

I see the battle field and all the wolves fighting. Then I see the wolf that shoved me down.

Every time he gets hurt I hurt. I blink and the vision goes away. He's my mate.

I stand up and walk out of the room. I shift into my wolf form. I run out of the house and through the woods.

I see all the commotion and dive in. I begin fighting my way through until I see the familiar orange coated wolf.

A wolf pins him to the ground, but it's one from his pack. I leap at the other wolf and begin attacking.

It bites my side and I howl in pain. This is not going to end well.

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