Chapter 26

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Tundra's POV

I had woken up and Ash was on the ground, crying. I weakly sat up and got off of the bed. I kneeled next to Ash and I saw him holding a pink bundle of blankets, covered in blood. My eyes widened as I remembered Jack holding a knife above Nicole.

Ash was shaking and sobbing. I started crying as well and Ash pulled me in for a hug, still cradling Nicole's lifeless body. I can't believe it... My little girl, not even a day old, was murdered by the man who made my life a living hell.

He wasn't even a man, he was a sick, sick bastard. Ash kissed my forehead as we both sobbed and cried over the loss of our baby girl. I weakly got up and went to check on Aiden and Jakob.

They were fine, not a scratch on them. I looked on the floor and I saw Kestrel and Liam. Kestrel was sobbing her eyes out and Liam had tears silently falling.

"Tundra, I am so sor-." Liam started.

I cut him off by weakly shifting and running out of the infirmary and pack house. I wasn't supposed to shift for a while since it could kill me, but at the moment, I didn't care. After hours of running, I finally stopped somewhere.

I was long gone from the territory. I don't even want to exist anymore. I curled up in a ball in some tree roots, falling asleep as nightmares plague my mind.

Kestrel's POV

This was it. This is what I've done. I performed witchcraft and this is what happened.

I swore to myself that I would never do it again after what happened with my father.

My father had just left the room after giving me a beating. My mother and Ash knew about it.

Even they couldn't stop my father.

I was only 15 at the time and my brother was soon to be Alpha. I couldn't wait that long for the beatings to stop.

I ran out of the room and straight down to the library. It was my happy place.

I sat in one of the gar corners and sobbed in front of the bookshelf. After I finished crying, I slammed my back against the shelf and a book fell down beside me.

I opened it up and inside was words written in English and Latin.

I took it to my room and began reading it.

It was a spell book.

I had managed to find a spell that could make my dad stop beating me.

I gathered the ingredients and breathe incantation.

A purple flame shot up and as quickly as it came, it left.

I heard struggle down the hallway and I opened my bedroom door.

A few Gamma's were fighting with my dad. My mom stood by watching.

"Take him to the dungeon, he has broken the law." She said.

They took him away kicking and screaming. I ran over to my mother and hugged her.

All good things must come to an end though, I didn't read the warning

My mother clutched her chest and struggled to breathe. "Mom?!" I yelled.

She collapsed onto the ground and didn't move. "Mommy!" I screamed.

I lost both parents that day.

Tundra's POV

I opened my eyes and looked around. I wasn't in the territory, meaning I was in someone else's. I weakly got up and tried to head back to the pack. My back legs were stiff and they cramped every time I tried to move.

I whimpered as I pushed myself to walk. After hours of walking/limping I finally reached the edge of the territory. I fell to the ground and yelped.

"Ash.... Help me..." I whimpered in the mind link before I fell unconscious.

Beating after beating. I was slowly dying. Then there was a bright light. A little girl came out. She looked a lot like Ash and a bit like me.

"Hi mommy." She smiled.

Tears came to my eyes. She came over and hugged me.

"You have to go back to daddy and my brothers." She said.

I nodded my head. Everything went white.

Kestrel's POV

I stood up and Liam walked with me back to our room. Ash was still very upset.

I can't blame him, he lost a child.

I sit down in the bed and cry. I killed someone today, I killed a baby and a man.

Liam kisses me on the cheek, then on the lips. "I'm sorry you were the one who had to do that."

He wraps his arms around me and I hear him softly cry. 'KESTREL! LIAM! TUNDRA NEEDS HELP!' Ashould shouts in my mind.

I look at Liam and he got the message too. We nod at each other and run out of the room.

We meet Ash at the entrance and we shift. I pick up Tundra's scent and we run.

We find her at the edge of the border between our pack and some other packs territory.

Ash shifts and picks up Tundra in her small wolf form.

'Is she wounded?' I ask Ash. He shakes his head no and we walk back.


At around midnight I decide to leave Ash and Tundra's room. She woke up for a few minutes then fell back asleep.

I walk out of the pack house and outside. I run to the field of flowers in my wolf form.

I sit down on a bare patch and howl.

I howl for Ash.

I howl for Tundra.

For the baby.

For Liam.

For my mother.

For my....father.

For the pack.

Tundra's POV

I woke up and saw Ash laying next to me. His eyes were puffy and red. He kissed my forehead shakily.

"I'm so sorry... I should've known he was going to come. I should've stayed awake. I'm so sorry Ash." I sobbed in his head.

"Don't you dare apologize. Tundra it wasn't your fault. It was Jack's okay?" Ash stated as he wiped the falling tears.

I nodded my head and hugged him. Our other pups were downstairs in the infirmary, being heavily guarded and closely monitored.

"I need to see them. I can't stand being away." I said to Ash.

He nodded and picked me up carefully. He carried me downstairs and into the infirmary. Nicole's body was gone, along with Jack's. Just thinking of him made my blood boil.

I was sat on a bed and Aiden and Jakob were brought to me. It had occurred to me that we haven't told anyone the pups names. We will probably announce it as soon as we feel better about the whole situation.

I held my sons in my arms. They brought me joy and pride. Nothing could take that away.

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