Hiccstrid&Heatlegs&Rufflout&Tuffken// Lovefest

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(A longer one-shot)(Set after HTTYD2)
(Let's see: Hic, Fish, Snot and Tuff to spend a whole day with Astrid, Heath, Ruff and respectively Chicken.
Today was Lovefest, the annual day that Vikings and their significant other spend a whole day together. Now everyone knows that Hiccup and Astrid are practically a thing, but as self-conscious as they are, they spent it with their team.
"Astrid? What do you want to do today?" Hiccup asked.
"Um, I dunno." Astrid shrugged. "What do you wanna do?"
"I was thinking we could spend it together," Hiccup sad hesitantly.
     Astrid smiled at him. "I'd love that."
     Hiccup grinned and mounted Toothless, Astrid mounting Stormfly. They leaped off and flew to Berk, as the celebration is ordered to be on Berk.

     "Heather?" Fishlegs twiddled his thumbs.
     "Yeah?" Heather poked her head around Windshear's.
     "WouldyouliketospendLovefestwithme?" Fishlegs rushed.
     "What?" Heather chuckled.
     "Would you like to spend Lovefest with me?" Fishlegs enunciated.
Heather's lips twitched into a sweet smile. "I'd love to."
Fishlegs nodded and offered his arm. She took it and together they rode to Berk.

"Snotlout! I have no one to spend Lovefest with!" Ruffnut complained. "Hiccup has Astrid and Heather has Fishlegs. Tuff even has Chicken. But who do I have? NO ONE!"
"You wanna spend it with me babe?" Snotlout smirked.
"Well, I don't have anything to lose, except my dignity," Ruffnut admitted. "Eh, my dignity has been lost for years. Let's go!"
Snotlout and Ruffnut rode Hookfang to Berk.

"Hiccup, what do you have planed?" Astrid smirked.
They walked through the streets of Berk. Vikings smiled and waved at them. All of Berk knew they loved each other. As they walked through they were showered with rose petals and rice. Astrid giggled as Hiccup wrapped an arm around her.
"Come M'lady," Hiccup enticed.
Astrid smiled and jumped onto Toothless. Toothless whined and looked at Hiccup. Hiccup shushed him.
"Have fun you two!" Heather teased.
"Right back at you," Astrid retorted with a smile.
Heather's eyes went wide as she blushed.

"So, Heather," Fishlegs started. "How about we go to a secret place?"
"Sound lovely," Heather said.
They mounted Meatlug and raced off. Heather kept her arms on Fishlegs' shoulders. They reached the forest. A desolate place, filled with Dragon Nip. There was a cut out in the rocks. Fishlegs walked behind Heather. He placed his hands gently around her eyes. Heather smiled as he led her through the rocks. Fishlegs unfurled his fingers. Heather's voice hitched.
They were in a small meadow. The meadow had the buzz of busy bees and the smell of fresh flowers. Daffodils, Roses, Carnations, any flower you could imagine was in this meadow. Heather leaned down to pick a flower. A small frog leaped up. Heather yelped and then smiled.
Heather chased the frog all over.
"I didn't know you liked frogs," Fishlegs commented.
"When you're alone for three years, you need something to keep you entertained." Heather smirked.
Soon she had Fishlegs chasing after frogs as well.

"Hiccup, are you gonna tell me where we're going?" Astrid begged.
Hiccup had his hands around her eyes and had his mouth close to her ear.
     "Just a sec M'lady," Hiccup whispered.
     Hiccup soon released his grip on her face. Astrid's eyes adjusted to the light. Astrid gasped. The cove was in full bloom. Flowers and trees everywhere. The lagoon was still crystal clear. Astrid's smile got wider as she saw a picnic blanket on the grass.
     "C'mon!" Hiccup sat down.

     "Babe, are you sure this is a good idea?" Snotlout whimpered.
     "Of course!" Ruffnut finished digging the hole.
     For the past two hours, Snotlput had been pestering and tormenting Ruffnut. Ruffnut had had it and came up with a master plan.
     "Okay, now I need you to step into the hole and sit down," Ruffnut directed.
     "No way! I'm not doing that!" Sntolout shrieked.
     Ruffnut snapped her fingers. "If you do it, I'll give you a kiss."
     Snotlout stupidly climbed into the hole. Sntolout waited for his kiss.
     "Okay, close your eyes," Ruffnut said.
     Snotlout puckered his lips and closed his eyes. Suddenly grit was showered onto his face. Ruffnut shoveled the dirt back in. Her arms worked fast as lightning to bury Sntolout.

     "So Hiccup, why?" Astrid asked. "I mean, don't get me wrong, I love it. But I thought we'd just go on a flight."
     "There's a reason you're M'lady," Hiccup said with a snicker. "I love you Astrid. I wanted to give you the best."
Astrid pressed her lips against Hiccup's cheek. Astrid pulled away. Astrid smiled. Hiccup smiled and pulled her back in for a kiss.

"Attention! Vikings!"
     Hiccup called everyone's attention. Vikings and ladies turned and faced Hiccup.
     "Welcome to Berk's four hundredth annual Lovefest!" Hiccup raised his arms to elaborate.
     Vikings cheered.
     "But before we eat," Hiccup inturrupted. He turned to the front of the crowd and extended his hand. "Astrid, please?"
     Astrid smiled and blinked slowly. She laid her hand in his and he pulled her onto the podium. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her. He pulled away and looked down at her.
     "Will you marry me?" He whispered.
     "Of course!" Astrid squealed.
     The hall erupted in cheers and celebration as Hiccup slid a thin silver band onto her finger. Heather and Ruffnut surrounded we squealing and admiring the ring.
     "I wish you and Fish got engaged, we could've done a double wedding," Astrid stated.
     Heather smiled and looked at Fishlegs. "We still need time."
     Berk then deemed it the best Lovefest in the history of Lovefests.
So I am so sorry!!!!!!! I've been super busy with school. But I'm working on the truth or dare chapter!!!!!!!!!

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