Hiccstrid// Part 1

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"Astrid? What's wrong?" Heather asked.
Astrid and Heather were on a girls day flight around. Stormfly and Windshear circled around the rocks and sea stacks that surrounded the edge. The spring air surrounded them with the sweet smell of flowers and the not so sweet calls of baby dragons.
"It's Hiccup," Astrid revealed. "He's doing some recon flight and he better be careful or so help me I will hide his peg leg for a month!"
Heather nodded thoughtfully. "Um, okay, calm down," Heather soothed. Suddenly she stopped and grinned. "You like him!" She accused.
"Uh, well I, um, it's, uh." Astrid swallowed. "Look! It's a. . .cool rock," she finished lamely.
"I knew it! Ha! I just knew it! You two are perfect for each other," Heather said gleefully. She clapped and nudged Windshear to land on the "cool" rock. Stormfly landed next to them and Heather stood up to face Astrid.
     "So? Spill! Why haven't you two become an item?" Heather demanded.
     "And item?" Astrid asked quizzically.
     "It's a saying on Berserker island, it's kind of weird, but don't change the subject! Details now." Heather crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow.
"Hiccup doesn't think anything of it," Astrid said sadly. She shrugged and sat on the edge of the rock. "He doesn't seem to notice any signs I give him, I mean I've kissed him three times, but nothing."
Heather thought and looked at Astrid. "What about a different kind of hint?"
     Astrid shrugged. "Like what?"
     Heather smirked. "Glad you asked. Don't worry, I'll take care of all of it."
Heather jumped up and mounted Windshear. She took off and flew full speed back to the edge. Astrid thought about it, then her eyes eye grew wide. She jumped up and mounted Stormfly, tossing her a chicken that was always in her saddle bag for times like these.
"Stormfly, GO!" Astrid followed at top speed.

     Hiccup was bent over the forge, trying anything to get that fire sword lit. Toothless lay comfortably in the sun, like a typical reptile. Hiccup groaned as it once again failed. The spark was not big enough. He dropped it to the table with a clatter and a frown.
     "Hiccup!" Heather screamed as she raced through the air towards the one-legged Viking.
     "What?" Came his surprised reply. "Heather what are you doing here?"
     "You've liked Astrid for a while right?" Heather gasped. She slid off of Windshear and sprinted the last few feet.
     "Well, um," Hiccup stalled, his cheeks blushing. He picked up the tools to hide his ever growing embarrassment.
     "Answer!" Heather practically screamed. She smacked the tools and rods away and the harsh clatter of metal was forgotten as she backed him into a corner.
     "Okay! Fine!" Hiccup threw his hands up. "Yes, happy?"
     "Good, so you didn't hear it from me. Astrid feels for you," Heather whispered.
She whistled and took off on Windshear, yelling about a thank you and a you owe me. Hiccup stood dumbfounded as Heather flew off with Windshear. Astrid came charging in on Stormfly. Astrid barely took notice of Hiccup, but did flash a smile. She looked at the retreating shape of a dragon and growled. Without a single word she shot off in pursuit of her friend.
     Hiccup nodded as she raced off. Hiccup stood while his thoughts churned. Astrid? The girl he's loved since kindergarten? She loves him too? Hiccup's eyes suddenly grew wide as he jumped on Toothless and shot after Astrid.

     Once Astrid had finally caught up with Heather she and Stormfly tackled her and Windshear to the ground. Astrid and Heather rolled until they came to a stop with Heather beneath Astrid.
     "What'd you tell Hiccup? What?" Astrid demanded.
     Heather's mouth stayed in a firm line and she shook her head. Astrid twisted her arm to lock with Heather's.
     "Tell me now or I swear I'll kill you!" Astrid hissed.
     "No." Heather knew Astrid wouldn't kill her best friend.
Heather's rescuer came on the back of a Night Fury, who broke up the two dragons that were having a go at each other. Hiccup grabbed Astrid from behind, wrapping his arms around her's, immobilizing her arms. Though he was strong, she was stronger and she kept going for Heather.
     "Astrid, get off Heather," Hiccup pleaded.
     Astrid reluctantly got off and continued to glare at Hiccup. Heather brushed herself off as Hiccup whispered in Astrid's ear. Heather smirked. Her evil plan was working! The feud forgotten, Astrid nodded excitedly and raced off. Little did she know, Hiccup had more planned.

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