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Okay, so we are going to pretend that Astrid was captured by Virgo for much longer than she was really captured in RTTE.

     Hiccup and Astrid love taking rides together. They love the moonlit cove and the special flights they take on Toothless when Stormfly needs a break. Hiccup and Astrid sat in the cove in the midnight moon. Toothless and Stormfly groomed each other in friendly licks. Astrid leaned against Hiccup's shoulder
     "Tonight is perfect," Astrid sighed.
     "Nothing can disturb us now,"Hiccup agreed.
     Suddenly Toothless' ears perked. His head shot up and his eyes went wild. They seemed to glance in every direction. Stormfly squawked and her pupils shot to slits. She spread her wings to lift to the air, but Toothless jumped up in full alpha mode. As Stormfly returned to normal, the dragons raced to get their humans on their backs. Hiccup glanced at Astrid and jumped on Toothless.
     Toothless and Stormfly flew to Raven's Point. There they saw something that would change their lives. Ships sailed towards them, spikes of iron covering the fronts. The calls coming from the on coming ships were all to familiar to Astrid. Astrid's eyes grew wide with horror as images of trapped dragons and shouting raced through her head.
     "Oh no," Hiccup mumbled.
     He and Astrid flew side by side towards Berk. Astrid jumped down and blew the Thunderdrum horn.

     Fishlegs' head shot from the pillow as the horn blew.
  1.....2. Invasion!
     Fishlegs jumped onto Meatlug's back. He shook her head and rubbed her cheeks roughly.
     "C'mon girl!" Fishlegs mumbled.
     Suddenly Meatlug jumped up. Fishlegs and Meatlug buzzed out of their hut as fast as Meatlug's tiny wings could carry them.

     "Tuff! That's two blows!" Ruffnut looked at her brother.
     "You know what that means," Tuffnut said with a devious look.
     "INVASION!" They both flipped off the bar they were hanging from.
     "You know what invasions mean," Ruffnut cackled.
     "Fun for all!" Tuffnut elaborated by throwing his hands in the air. "Well not all, just us."
     Barf and Belch waited with annoyed faces. They wanted to get blasting to. Ruffnut chuckled and clapped her hands, nudging their dragon out of the house and to the Great Hall.

     Snotlout jumped out of bed as he pulled his boots on.
     "C'mon Hookfang! They need five thousand pounds of flamin' muscle!" Snotlout jumped on top of Hookfang.

     "What's the emergency?" Valka burst into the Great Hall.
     "Drago and Viggo are back, ruthless as ever, and from the sounds, they've caged more dragons," Hiccup explained quickly. His hands were balled and he trembled in anger.
     Astrid placed a calming hand on his back. Hiccup's head fell to his hands, which were being propped up on the table. Valka shared the same worried, yet confident look with Astrid.
     "Chief! What we supposed to do?" A viking called out.
     An agreeing murmur waved through the crowd, getting louder and louder. Astrid and Valka took crowd control and quieted the crowd. Hiccup finally stood forth. He seemed to catch a new wind as he looked at the village with a level eye.
      "Here's what were gonna do."
This one-shot threesome goes credited to @TheChristianGirl12. Thanks so much for reading these one-shots. I'll updat the next two soon, I promise. The reason I'm not writing the whole thing in one is because I personally think one-shots are supposed to be short and fast to read.
Thanks again!!!!! Please check out some of my other books!!!!

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