Chapter One

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This story will contain the talk of alcohol use..Foul language..other mature content. This is a narry fanfic, so it is boyxboy. There will be mentions of Eleanor in this story. No hate towards her or this story in general as you have been don't like, don't read! I also want to thank andi0805 for sharing this wonderful idea with me and giving me the chance to bring their idea to life! Will be an honor to write this! Now that you have been warned I will continue on! I hope you enjoy!


"Good job boys! We did it!", I holler out at the team as we all high-five and they jump around in excitement. They have every right to be excited! Just won the Footie Championship. Guess I should introduce myself. I am Niall Horan. I am 25 years old. Before I tell you where I am at or what I am doing, first let me tell you how I got here. It all begin seven years ago. (A/N:This will stay in the past and work up to the present towards the end)

"Niall! Breakfast is ready!", My mum hollers from downstairs. I am just stepping out of the shower.

"Will be down shortly!", I holler out as I poke my head out of the bathroom. The smell of bacon and eggs going through the house. I hurry up and get dressed, grab my bag and head down stairs.

"Good morning mum", I say as I make my way to the kitchen. "Smells good in here this morning"

"Good morning Ni. And just this morning? Thought my cooking always smells good", My mum says in a teasing manner.

"always does mum", I say as she hands me my plate and kisses my cheek. "Dad already leave for work?", I ask as I take a mouthful of eggs.

"Ni, no talking with your mouthful and yes, he has. he had to leave earlier this morning", My mum explains.

I nod as I still have my mouthfull. I'm about done eating when my phone goes off.

get your arse out here~Tommo

on my way~Nialler

"Mum. Louis is here. Gotta go", i told my mum as I kissed her cheek.

"have a great day at school honey", My mum said as I grabbed my bag and phone and headed out the door.

" 'Bout time Irish lad", Tommo says teasingly as I get in the car

"Sorry Tommo, was eatin' food!", I sass back

"Can't seperate him and his food, Louis", Eleanor says with a small smile

"Hi to you too, El", I say jokingly as I get seatbelted in.

"Is Cassie needing a ride also?", Louis asks

"Yep.", I answe as I look at stuff on my phone

"Woohoo. My girlie!", El exclaims as we head towards Cassies house.

As you well know I am Irish but I live in Doncaster. My dad got transferred here about three years ago. I met Louis shortly after moving here as we are both on the Footie team. He then introduced me to Eleanor and Cassie. Guess you could say we have been inseperable ever since then. We get to Cassie's house and get her picked up and head onto the school.

"Hey Nialler, try not to kick Louis' balls around too much on the field today", Eleanor blurted out as we walked towards the school. I nearly choked on my spit. Louis stopped dead in his tracks with this 'what the hell' look on his face. Cassie was behind us doubled over in laughter.

"Oh my God! that was great El!", Cassie said in between laughter.

"Niall stay away from my balls', Louis says playfully

"Well, if you would quit letting them roll all over the field, I wouldn't be tempted to kick them", I muttered back. By the tiome we got to the school doors we were all laughing so hard and people were just staring at us like we were crazy. that would be our group.

"You girls go on down to your lockers and get your books and we will meet you there.", Louis told them. Their class is on our way out the building for Footie practice. So, every morning we walk them to their class. Everything that followed happened so quickly. Someone pushed Louis into his locker and then we heard a fuss down the hall.

"Better go check on your wimpy girls, Tommo", Said the guy that shoved him into the locker.

"What the hell is happening?!", Louis said as he and I ran down the hall to the fuss. A couple of cheerleaders had Eleanor cornered and Cassie was on one of thems back trying to get them to back off

"You fucking bitch! Get off her!", We hear Cassie say to the one that has El pinned to the wall. She reached over the girl she was on and grabbed the girl that had Eleanor pinned and pushed her head against the wall.Mean while Eleanor was using her claws and her body to get free. Damn these two girls are feisty. Louis ran over and got them parted as I helped get El and Cass away from them.

"Don't you ever touch me again you whore! You hear me!", Eleanor said to the one that once had her pinned while shoving her against the wall. We finally got them away and guided them to their class with our arms protectively around them. We get them to their class and make sure they're okay before leaving them to head to the field.

"Think you should get a proper girlfriend, Louis", Someone said behind us. We turned and seen the guy that pushed Louis standing there.

"Maybe you should get a proper life you foocking losah!", Louis said as we continued walking.

"At least my girlfriend cheered forme at games', the guy said.

"Cheered. Past term losah! At least I'm still on the team and Eleanore and Cass cheer for us also. But they do it with class. They don't feel the need to show their asrse and everyother body part while doing it!", Louis continued on. He left that guy speechless.

"Damn you're a bit sassy this morning, Tommo", I told him as we got to the field.

"I'm always sassy Nialler", He responded.

"yeah well, today you added a bit of spice to it", I replied.

"Tomlinson! Horan! Office now!", Our coach shouted out. All kinds of words were shouted out from our team mates as we made our way to the locker rooms.

"That little fiasco this morning. What was that lads?", he asked us a bit sternly

"Ohh you heard about that, did ya", Louis said as he looked to the floor

"Yep. I did. That cannot happen again boys! You do realize that scouts are going to be at the game Saturday, right? Scouts from the Rovers", He said while looking at Louis and then back to me. "We can't have our captain and co-captain fighting and causing chaos. Especially if you wanna be picked", He finished

"I mean no disrespect sir, but we didn't start the fight", I replied

"nah, we just finished it", Louis sassed."We were defending two of our friends that were being physically attacked sir", Louis explained. "I did as I was raised. defend yourself and those around you. Especially those that you care about", Louis explained

"I understand that boys. And I do personally honor that. But professional scouts my frown upon it and look another direction", He explained. "Just fly right for the time being please. You lads are in year 12 and will be leaving soon onto better things. Ignore the trouble makers", He said. "Any questions or comments you would like to say?", He asked us

"No sir.", We both answered.

"Alright. Go on out to the field lads"

Louis and I made our way to the field with two things in mind. getting the scouts attention saturday and keeping a closer eye on the girls.

"When do you plan to tell those bastards that you and El are just close friends and not dating?", I asked curiously

"Never", He answered. "It's none of their damn business. Let people think what they want to. Eleanor is my friend. My bestie. my girl. Those assholes will learn to leave her be", He exclaimed. I nodded my head in agreement. Now to get prepared for saturday.

A/N: Hope you guys like this chapter. Just a look into Nialls highschool years. Please vote and comment any ideas you may have. Much love xx

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