Dinner with the Other Family

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Before we get started, in one of the next few chapters i will be having a Truth or Dare game between Sirius, Remus, James, Ross Riker Ryan Snape Lily and Rose so... Because i love you all, i ask that you give me some truth or dares for each of the characters!

Rose was sitting in her shared room with Lily, only she wasn't getting ready for the fancy dinner at a fancy dinner party. She had her arms crossed and was talking with Lily who was getting ready.

"Rose, its just a dinner!" Lily Exclaimed. Glaring at her sister.

"A dinner with her. I hate Elizabeth's parents. They are sooo judgy and besides, why do we have to wear gowns to a dinner. Why cant i wear jeans, a Gryffindor sweater and scarf, and my cute boots?"  Rose asked. Sitting up slightly. Lily shook her head at her Twin.

"Rose, just put on the gown. Its just that simple." Lily said. Throwing her sister her gown. Rose grabbed it and stripped of her clothes reluctantly. Then she did her dress up with magic, and started to work on her hair and makeup. Carefully putting on mascara and eyeliner. Then she worked on her hair while lily was putting on her own gown. At 10 minutes till they had to leave, the Evans Twins were completely ready.

They went down the stairs, Lily was in a red gown and Rose was in a gold gown. James, Remus, Sirius, and Snape were already downstairs and talking to Ross, Ryan and Riker. James had on a gold tie and Sirius a red one. Remus had on his Gryffindor tie and Snape had on a sliver on. Riker Ryan and Ross all wore blue ones.

Lily almost instantly walked over to Snape, while as Rose jumped over to her friends. Completely ignoring the look that James was giving her. "Hey, Redtail. I love your dress, but I think it would look better on James floor." Sirius commented. Rose raised an eyebrow at him.

"Are you hitting on me....for James?" Rose asked. Sirius laughed and James had a red tint on his face. He was going to murder Sirius the next chance he got. 

"Well, you see, miss Rose. I ship Jose or Rames, whatever you want to call it and I think you 2 would make a rather good pair. Evans, tell me that your sister would look cute with my prongs here." Sirius demanded of Lily. She laughed.

"Saying Rose looks good with him is saying that I look good with him and that most defiantly is never going to happen. Sorry Black." Lily said casually. Rose giggled slightly and covered her mouth as soon as she realized she did. Sirius glared at one of his best friends.

Rose stuck her tongue out at him, but then there was a cough and Rose straightened her body. She put on a soft and fake smile then turned to look at her father. She went into a deep curtsey. "Good evening Father. Us children are ready to leave to have a wondrous diner with our soon to be grandparents." Roses voice was kind and soft hearted. Nothing like how she normally sounded. James and Sirius looked at her, slightly confused at how she was acting.

"Wonderful. Now children, you all will be taking separate cars with the boys and of course Rosalinda. Now because Rose's car can fit 4, I ask that her friends go with her and that Lily and Severus go with Ross Riker and Ryan. Now Elizabeth and I will lead the way in our car. Lets go children. We have a dinner to make." Mr. Evans said then he led the way outside, where Lily Severus, Riker, Ross and Ryan got into the Mercedes, him and Beth into the Porsche and Rose, James, Remus and Sirius into Rose's Camaro.

Like he had said, Mr. Evans had led the way to the fancy 5 star restaurant that had photographers  at every turn. Rose had forgot to menschen this to everyone. Beth was a model so more often than not, they ended up photographed.

They got out of the cars and the cameras started to flash. Then there was Beth, who was making everything public. "These are my soon to be Twin daughters. Lily and Rose, and their best friends, Severus and Remus, and their boyfriends Sirius and James." Beth said. That made both Lily and Rose stop in their tracks. Sirius and James were standing right next to the girls. Mr. Evans gave them a pleading look before James and Sirius wrapped their arms around the girls waist. Sirius was holding Lily and James was holding Rose.

There was several camera flashes as they got picture of Lily and Rose. Once they were inside, it calmed down and they were led to their table that already had 5 people there. It was Elizabeth's Mother, Father, Brother, Sister in Law, and their perverted son, Aaron and their daughter Grace. They all took their seats. Sirius and James made sure to pull out Lily and Roses seats then to get their own.

" Rose, dear. You look as lovely as the last time I saw you." It was Aaron. Ever since he had met her, the stupid boy would hit on her. Him saying this resulted in James and Sirius grabbing Rose and Lily's hands. Mainly because they were sure that he couldn't tell the difference between the two girls.

"Aaron, leave the poor girl alone. she is going to be your cousin soon." It was Aarons father, and the only one in Elizabeth's family that she liked.

"Thank you, Adrian." Rose said softly. She smiled up at him. Adrian smiled as well. Aaron looked back and forth between Lily and Rose. He apparently thought Lily was Rose because of the Red gown.

As the dinner droned on, they talked about wedding preparations and Rose ignored most of it. That was, up until it was said that she was going to be fitted for a gown tomorrow. Her head shot up from the book in her lap. The same with Lily. They were reading the same book, only they were having a race to see who could finish it first.

"A fitting? I have several gowns I can wear to the wedding..." Rose tried to say but Elizabeth stopped her.

"Rosalinda, you and Lily are going to be bridesmaids. There is a dress fitting for that. All of my other bridesmaids will be coming." She smiled one of her fake smiles at Lily and Rose. Rose grimaced at the smile and the fact that she was being called by her full name.

"Elizabeth, please, call me Rose. I highly dislike being called by Rosalinda." Rose said as kindly as she could. She too put on a fake smile. One that everyone that went to school with her knew all to well. It was the one that she only gave people that she was struggling not to pull out her wand and curse them into next year.

"Rose, where is it that you go to school now that you live here in Brittan?" Elizabeth's mother asked.

"I go to another wizarding school. Like I did last year, only now I am attending the best in the world." Rose replied. All of the wizards(and witch) looked at her. shocked that she just so casually said it. "Yes, they know I'm a witch." Rose said quickly, eyeing her friends. A loud breath was heard.

"So we can talk about school?" Asked Remus, looking at Rose. She gave a nod and Sirius and James both broke into smiles.

"You all go to the same school." Adrian asked, while looking at the two boys that had on matching grins.

"We do, as a matter of fact, all of us, other than Severus are in the same house. The noble house of Gryffindor. Severus is in the House of Slytherin." Lily explained. Seeing the confused look on their faces, she sighed, then went more in depth. " We attend Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. There are 4 house that the student are sorted into during their first year there. Normally we don't get transfer student but this year we did. Anyway, the 4 houses are like our family. We eat with them, attend classes with them, and spend our free time in the house common room. The 4 houses are Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Slytherin, and Gryffindor. How you are sorted into your house is based on the qualities that you hold. Ravenclaw values knowledge, Hufflepuff values being loyal, Slytherin is ambitious, while my house, Gryffindor, values bravery and Courage. Sev is in Slytherin, while the rest of us are in Gryffindor." Lily explained, and James laughed.

"You left out the house rivalry-" James started

"And the house Quidditch teams-" Sirius continued

"and the house pranking-" Remus casually said

"And the fact that 4 of the 5 mudarurs are here in this room." Severus finished before Rose could.

"What are you all going on about?" This time it was Aaron. While he had known that Rose was a witch, she had never really told him about all the stuff that happened while she was at school.

"At Hogwarts, there is a point system. By doing good in classes and showing talent, you can earn you house points. If you break a rule or get caught after hours, you will lose your house points. Those 3 plus me are probably a main reason Gryffindor loses so many points, and Lily and I are the reason it gains so many points as well. Anyway, in each house, there is a Quidditch team. 7 players on each team."

to be continued

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