first day of clases

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Hey everybody! I finally updated. I really haven't been in wattpad much because my family has been moving and all butttttt..... hey when I finally got back on I find out I have over 12K reads.... please.... tell me.... am I seeing things ? Anyway...I feel bad for not giving you all some new chapies so here is another one. Oh..... I have also desired to have this stay a James x Rose story. It will make sinse when i get the story of when they are older. I also might have this become a snilly story also or maybe a sirius x Lily or possably a Lily x Remus. That actully might be a little hard though because i dont want to take away tonks. She is like one of my fav characters. Plus i love Teddy.

******Rose's POV********

I woke up to Lily shaking me awake. Violently might I add. I growled at her for pulling me out of my happy sleep..
"Oh shut it! Its time to get up and I deffently don't want to be late on the first day of classes because my twin sister can't get her lazy bum out of bed! God damn it Rosalinda May Evans!" Lily yelled.
"Fine! I'm up. Just stop yelling lil." I said unhappily and half asleep. I got out if bed and grabbed the clothes that were at the end of my bed before heading into the bathroom.
The shower decently helped wake me up and I soon was pulling up my hair to match lily's which was in a high pony tail. Only my hair was slightly more curly than hers. After I was ready, we both went down to the great hall were she ran over to Alice, Marlene, and Emmalyn. 3 of the girls who we shared a dorm with. I on the other hand took a seat next to Sirius and James. Mumbling angerly about being woken up.
"What's got your knickers in a knot?" James asked. I turned my head to lily and pointed at her.
"My sister woke me up from my very warm bed into the freezing hellhole of school." I grumbled.
"I guessing that you aren't a morning person? Sirius asked dumbly. I glared at him.
"Oh! Nooooo. I just loveee getting my butt woken up at the crack of dawn just to go to school." I said sarcasticly. His face was priceless though
I pulled some tost and eggs and pancakes onto My plate before i started to eat, waking myself up. When I was done, we wee all handed our schedule. Turns out I ended up having every class with lily, James, Sirius, and Remus. For some reason peter didn't have the same classes, oh well. First up I had double potions with the slytherins... fun! Not.
Sirius and I walked behind James while he was arguing with my sister. I on the other hand was beat red from trying no to laugh at them. They acted like a married couple!
"You know this has been going in for a few years now." Sirius said. I nodded.
"Yeah. Lily's told me all about him and how much she hates his guts and that he's so not hot or whatever. Even though I liked in France, we still always found a way to talk to each other. I'm really just happy to be back." I said smiling.
Suddenly somebody crashed into my back. When I turned around it was a small first year.
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to..." he started.
"Hey! Calm down. Its no big deal. Just next time watch were your heading so that you dint bump into anyone else.
The little kid smiled at me before running off to catch up with wgome i assume was his friends. He was wearing yellow and black robes. Hufflepuff.
"That was rather nice." Sirius said. I turned me head to glare at him before running up to catch up with Lily.
"Hey sis." i said happier than i was earlier this morning.
She looked at me with the expression saying that she was very anoyed at someone. Meaning James.
"Okay im sorry. Dont be all grumpy." I said. Lily sitfled a laugh and rolled her eyes at me.
"Verry funny Rose. Maybe." Lil said. Leaving the boys in the dust, we walked into class and took a seat right next to eachother. Just to make it confusing for anyone who tryed to tell us apart.
The professor walked in and took one look at Lily and I before sighing. He wouldnt be able to figure out who was who.

*************Time Skip************

Okay. I abosultly hate history of magic, care of magical creatures, and divination. The best class was DADA. We were doing standered defence. Review. The best part, i got to curse the hell out of Snape. I could tell Lily was a bit pissed though. She was paired up with my weird friend/Guy i think is cute.
Okay, dont get me.wrong, if Lily likes him I'll back off but so far today ive heard him ask her pit like 6 times and each time she had said no. It doesnt get much harsher than that.
Free time was spent with me knocking out all of my homework. I was working until like 6:30 and the boys sent up Marlene to get me to come down.
When i went down i brought with me my sketchbook to continue working on that picture that the proffesor wanted us to draw of a Unicorn. I was halfway done with it. The basic frame was finished, now i was working on adding the horn, mane, and tail. Then if i was bored lader i would add the forest behind it. ( incase any of u r wondering, yes... I am an artest. )

James was there tapping his foot while sirius was complaining about having to wait for me.
"Sorry. I was working in my homework." i said, holding up my sketchbook. I swear gave me a look that said, 'Evans?'
"Uh, Evans, we sent Micconon to get Rose. Why did you come down?" James asked, clearly confused. I laughed.
"And you got Rose, James. I just so happen to like getting my homework done before i do anything else. I have the essay slughorn assinged us done. Same with Mcgonagal, and the one that binns assinged us. Im halfway done through the sketch and the dream book i filled with bloody fibs so i needn't not do it." I said proadly.
"See, Rose knows when to work and when to play." Remus said. I shook my head.
"No. I just dont like homework so i get it done in the beginning of the week so i can mess around. Its a habit from France." I said.
"I like this one. Hey, Rosie-Posie, do you want to help with the beginning of the year prank?" Sirius asked me, as we walked through the portrait.
"One,never ever call me that, or else i will curse you into next year and back again. Second, sure. You could use a prefact lookalike. Besides, i havent pulled a good one in a while." i said. We were walking down the stairs when suddenly, i sank about a foot. When i looked down, the bottom half of my right leg was missing into the stair. Great. They have one of these. A bloody trick step.
"Somebody. Please. I beg of ypu. Get me out of this damn step." i cried. I hated that i was new here.
James smirked at me before he grabbed my waist and lifted. My leg coming out of the step. Then he set me down.
Realizing how much taller he was than me. Sure. Lily and i were short for 15 year olds.( Many of you seemed to be confused about about their age so here it is. 15 years old!) I mean, 4'9". Were seriously short. 15 year olds shouldnt be that small. Our feet is even worse. Our shoe size is 2, sometimes we can fit a 3 or 4. It doesnt happen often.
"Okay. Thanks. Now... FOOD!!" I said. We walked into the great hall laughing and giggling about my whole outburst. Lily was already there eating with the girls. I giggled and sat down next to my twin. Dragging the other 4 with me.
"My beloved sister, what is good tonight. Thos girl hasnt ate since lunch and she is praticly starving. Feed me!" I said drimaicly. Lily laughed at me before shoving a spoon of peanut butter into my mouth. Clasic. I took the spoon out of my mouth and pulled the salad onto my plate. Then i put on a ton of spegttie on my plate bedore eating. Finishing off the spoon of peanut butter before anything else.while i ate, i worked on my sketch. Finishing it by the time i was done with dinner.
All in all, my first day at hogwarts wasn't that bad.ihad om great friends and my amazing sister with me. But one thing was still bugging me. How in the hell was i going to try put for Gryffindor Seeker. Thats seriously the hardest possition to get and i honestly don't expect James just to give it to me. This... Is why the hell i hate sports. Well sometimes.

Rose Evans, Her Twin {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now