The Ball

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The day of the Halloween Ball came and Rose still didn't know what she was going as. However, Lily seemed to be waiting for something during breakfast. She kept looking for the owls.

"Bloody Hell Lily! What are you waiting for?!" Rose finally asked. She was sitting with Lily. Having been pissed off at the boys AND ELLA.

Ever since Ella came to Hogwarts, she had made it her mission to make Rose's life a living Hell. First by dating Jake Martin, then trying to get Rose kicked off the Gryffindor Quidditch team(Lily voched for her) and now by turning her friends against her.

Ella was laughing with the madaurders when the owls flew in. Holding the post.

"Its here! Its here!" Lily screamed. Grabbing onto her sisters arm. Alice, Marlene, and Mary smiled like they were hiding something.

Rose's owl Ellie dropped a very large package infront of her. She looked over at her sister.

"I wrote mum and told her that you had no idea what to go as for Halloween. So she may not have gone and custom ordered you a costume per my instructions." Lily revealed.

After hearing that, Rose quickly opened the top of the package. Inside was a stunning purple gown and a pair of black heels. (see beginning of chapter photo)

"Lily! This is utterly ridiculous. It's so perfact." Rose hugged her sister. Then the girls. A huge smile plastered across her face.

"Well it was the girls idea. They got so pissed when they heard that Ella had taken your spot on the group costume. So they thought that you should be the princess of the ball."

"I have a goblin made tiara that i had my mum send to me for you to wear. It's a family heirloom so please be careful." Alice said. Giving Rose another box. Inside was black velvet. Resting on it was a golden tiara with little crystals and gems.

"This is to perfact. Merlin i love you guys!" Rose laughed.

"Don't sweat it. Now, Ella and Layla are going to be done in the dorms around 4 so that they can take pictures and everything before the ball. We go in at 4:30. Since the ball starts at 7, we'll have 2 and a half hours until we have to be down there." Marlene said a smirk on her face.

"We are going to make sure that those boys will regret believing Ella over you." Mary said evilly.

"Especially after Potter Kissed you." Lily agreed. Rose smiled and the 5 of them left the Great hall. Hiding Rose's costume under Marlenes bed. Then they went down to Hogsmeade with everybody else. At 4 o'clock, they headed back up to the castle.

Ella was laughing with James, Sirius, and Peter. Remus looked uncomfortable. When he saw Lily enter the common room with everyone else, he said he left something in the dorm.

"Redtail!" Remus yelled. Rose's head shot around to look at him.

"Remus? Whats going on. You haven't talked to me in over a week." She crossed her arms.

"I know and I'm sorry. About everything. It took me a bit to realize you would never go that far as to telling people about my furry little problem. Hell, when i asked around, everybody said that Ella had told them that you said that my problem was me having a really conatgus desise."

"Took you bloody long enough." Rose said. Hugging her friend.

"I know. I have a plan. Meet me outside the portit at 3 am. I'll tell you then."

"ROSALINDA EVANS! GET YOUR ARSE UP HERE!" Marlene yelled. Rose rolled her eyes.

"Yeah. I have to go or else their going to kill me." Rose said then she ran up to join the girls.

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