The Response

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The morning after what happened behind the tapestry, Rose awoke to tapping on the chamber window. She sat up slightly and saw her owl. Opening it, Elise flew in. Resting on the dresser across the room.

"Oh come on. Can't you come closer?" Rose asked. The owl gave her a look and flew over. Landing softly on her bed.

Rose untied the letter and looked at it. It was from Ella.
Dearest Rosa,

I have the best surprise for you. I've received your letter last night. Quite late to send one. However, i felt the need to reply urgently. I am transferring to Hogwarts. Mother and Father say its for some reason. I suppose its because of everything He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is doing.

Anyhow, i will be in the headmasters office at noon today. After Morning Schooling. I wonder what house I'll be placed in. I met the Aurors last night. They were Mr. And Mrs. Potter. Very nice indeed. They say they have a son that is our age. Would you perhaps know him? I can't wait to meet your sister. She sounds absolutely wonderful. And nothing like you, might i add.

I can't wait to see you again. We have so much to talk about.


Rose sat there. On her bed. Letter in hands. She was actually glad that it was Friday and that they all would have the weekend before having to go back to the roleplaying.

"Oi, Rose. I'm coming in." James called. He entered and found Rose sitting on her bed. He joined the smiling girl.

"Hi." Rose whispered.  A slight blush on her face. Though she shook it off not moments later. He had seen her in her underwear ( Sirius's brilliant idea to go swimming at 2 in the morning while none of them had any swimsuits.)

"About last night.  I'm sorry. It was completely uncalled for. I don't know what came over me. I guess i kinda just got into the moment. So do you think you could  forgive me? " James asked. 

"Well yes, i can forgive you.  However, the boy who i was with was my date for the Halloween Ball.  He is kinda really pissed." Rose shrugged.  She stood up and stretched.  Ruffling her scarlet hair. 

"Well, i have a solution to your problem.  One, i can prank him and two, you can come to the Halloween ball with me as friends.  Sirius wants to do a group costume and currently his choices have been pretty limited because he was searching for only boy group costumes."

"Hmm.  I could try and help.  Anyway.  You welcome to prank him.  Now you'll have to wait in here while the elf's fix me up." and they did.  Putting rose into a soft gold gown and heels.  Her hair pulled back slightly and wand tucked into a ribbon holder. Her and James left her room laughing. Then as they entered the hall, they found Frank Longbottom and Peter with bright, hot pink hair.

"Pink suits you boys." Rose said. Walking up to them. 

"So it was you! Rosalinda!!! " Frank yelled and this resulted in Rose sticking her tongue out like a 5 year old. 

"You ought to know that's muggles dye.  It stays in for quite a while. Have fun pinkie."

Everybody was laughing as Rose  and James took their new seats at the head table. Next to Sirius who asked the most random question of all. 

"Hey Rose.  What would you name your firstborn son? "

"Um.  Really random question but okay.  I think Harry's  a nice name.  Lils and i were supposed to have a younger brother named Harry but mum had a miscarriage and that's what set off the divorce.  I would name him Harry for that reason." Rose said. 

Rose Evans, Her Twin {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now