Quiddich Try outs and seeker mishaps

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           Hey! Last chatper was a filler and I'm really hoping this one isn't. Anyway, i need help chosing a new title and i want your help. It would be fantastic of all of you.


Today was the day. I love Quiddich but this is really scary. I am trying out for seeker. One of the hardest positions to get and Sirius keeps saying things like "mess up rosie posie!" One day.... I am going to kill that dude.

Anyway, my main problem right now is the fact that i am the last person to go so everybody gets to watch me. Not that they wouldnt anyway but still. I know im acting like a girl about this but it really is messing with my head. Lily wasnt here to cheer me up because she is showing this new group of kids around. Because of the recent attacks in france from him, a group of kids wanted to transfer here.

"Hey, you will do fine, Rose. Sirius is just trying to scare you." Remus said. I looked at him, holding my nembus 1994. The newest model yet.

"Well, misson successful. He has scared me poopless, and don't try and judge my wierd vocabulary. Oh god its my turn." I said, absolutely freeking out.

"Your fine, Redtail. Just be calm and you will be fine. Give padfoot a run for his money. But seriously, i have 10 gallons on you making the team." Remus told me. I laughed. Then i walked out to the middle of the pitch where James was about to simulate an actual game, only with tons of seekers.

I did my quick trial of finding the snitch then catching it. Now, was the simulation. As James whistle blew, we all went up into the air. There was 12 players on the actual pitch and then there was all of us seekers. Each of us had our own way of doing things. Like me. I prefured to hover above the whole stadem, circling it if i can, looking for the snitch. Not diving until i see it.

It was a very good plan and it worked 90% of the time. My academy in France didn't have qidditch as main sport. Not many liked to play it so we never had enough to have two teams and a croud.  I sat there for a bit, until a actully saw the snitch. Hovering above another seekers head. So i dived. A few others figured out what i was doing and followed behind me. The snitch ziomed off. I had to weeve between many of the people on the pitch before actully catching the snitch. James told me i was good to sit down and watch the others try out. Man were they having a hard time. Just as one dived, another did and they both collided. Falling to the ground. A major seeker mishap.

Hey everyone! Im sorry that this chapter is short also. I hate it when people look over my shoulder to see what im writing i i write my chaptersin the dead of night. Anyway, since this book has tons of reads, i want to do a Q and A  chapter. If you are a anime lover or anything. I will answer EVERY question i get and if you would prefer me not to say your name then PM me and tell me your question. I answer it there if you would like. Anyway. The next chapter is going to be some facts about me. I thought it was time you all get to know me a little better.  So ask away! And be sure to look out for the Q&A chapter coming soon!

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