I had never seen a castle quite liker hers before. It was very...unique. The roof was made of a thick thatch that didn't let water seep through. Although the basement did have some touching up to do. The building itself had many special qualites. I learned that while walking through a couple dank and narrow halls. While passing by what I thought was a regualr wall, I stopped to look at the beautiful inscriptions that were deeply engraved into the wall. It was normal Commnon Tongue, but when I spoke it my self it sounded more like a riddle. 
"Eowyen, what's this?" I pointed to the decorated wall.  She turned a looked at the wall. 
"Hmm it looks like one of Uncle's old riddles." She brightened and opened up, "My Uncle used to be a leader in War. he made these riddles so that when the soldiers came here to stay, they would read the walls and it would either tell them a battle plan or a stakeout land. Sometimes it was just how to get to the basement. Every time I was a little girl, I enjoyed trying to figure out the riddles and the mystery behind it, but since Uncle is too old and frail to tell me, I fear that I will be without my answer." She looked sullen. 
"Don't worry, I am sure your uncle is going to get better. Everyone does in the end!" I told her happily. She didn't look to set on that answer. 
"Yeah..." I could feel a dark whisper cloud us as she said that. A chill ran up my sore spine, peaking more of an interest that a want or need for a coat...
"What was that?" I asked. She looked scared. I peered around a corner to see if anything was there. 
"I...I don't know. Let's get out of here." Eowyen looked to know something of the odd chill that had happened upon us. 
"But, Eowyen...." I whined and slumped my shoulders.
"We shouldn't be meddling. Come on, I want to show you outside!" He waved me towards her. I refused to follow. 
"Eoweyn, please!" I raised my voice. She looked around as if there was a  shadown, lurking, watching and listening to us. 
"Shh. no. Let's go." She spoke in a soft hushed whisper. She reached out with her pale arms to grab my hand, so that we could leave, but I yankted away.
"No! I'm going to go see what it is!" I turned away from her and took off down the dark and humid underbelly of the castle. 

As I ran, I suddenly came to realize that I forgot to put my shoes back on. I had left them in the room after I argued with Boromir. They were a pain to lace up. If you got them wrong, then the boot would lay crooked and you would definelty ruin your feet and the boots. But as of this moment, I wishe dI had put them on. Unlike Hobbit''s feet, my were weak and raw. Vulnerable to any sharp object. As od now, I was running through the basement of the Castle. The basement floors barely had any traction on them, so I kept slipping and because of the poor cover job, my feet would get wet and muddy. Also, even in the hot heat, the underbelly was the coldest portion of the giant house. As I ran my hands against the rough side of the wall, I lost feeling in my hands, numbess like never before. impossible to move them or ball them up. I just hoped that I could find the chill here. I knew that it was wasnt a regualr draft, but a spirit of something or someone. I was determined to have a little adventure and find out. 

It felt like the corridor went on forever. The tan stone was barely see able and I was losing sense of direction. Lucky for me, this was a  straight away tunnel. Leading in only one direction for miles. And the miles were many. I had to stop god knows where, but I was losing breath and I didn;t think that Eowyen was going to catch to me, or even follow. I leaned up against the sandpaper wall and slid down, scraping my back down the side. Ow, that will go away in a couple days...When I finally sat down, I looked all around. There was barely any light. The only light that I saw was coming from the cracks in the ceiling. I heard the footsteps of many people. More than I had seen when I arrived here. I stood up and on my tip toes tried to hear what the people were saying. 
"The White....son...heir....elf....nasty dwarf.....close....soon."  I stumbled back, shocked. Had Saruamn taken the group hostage! Did he kill them, or were they being tortured to death?! I turned back...to the left? or was it the Right? I swiftly turned my head side to side wondering which way I was going to go. If I take the long way I could get LOST. As I thought about which way to go, I heard something calling my name. It was like the wind had been carried down here and it swiveled around me, coming from different directions. "Allison....Allison..." The wind was bone chilling and uncomfortable. I didn't like it one bit, I actually felt sick. I looked all around for the mystery voice. The hallway was a empty as the Rohan plains. I put my hand on the wall and slowly got up, looking all around for the noise. 
"Hello?" I asked. 
"Halfling.....Elf......" the voice whispered all around.
"Um, yes?" I supposed the voice was directing its tone at me. I waited for the voice to return to me, but it did not. I leaned against the wall and listened to the talking above me. 
"uncle! Uncle, our guest has gone down to the basement! She must be stopped. I fear something will happen to her!" I heard eowyen speak quickly and shakily. What ever could she be talking about?
"What do you mean?" I heard that slimy and seething voice ooze out of Grima.
"We...uh have a...demon?" She didn't seem very sure.
"A demon you say. And why are we of worry about this poor creature trapped in the basement?" he asked.
"The demon tends to be at a peaceful state, but I fear that he has become restless and will attack human flesh at first chance. We must go find her!" Eowyen squealed. As I listened, I became still and didn't move. Was that what was calling my name. Was this my ultimate end? I backed away slowly and ran my hands down the misty wall. I turned and took off running. My bare feet slapped the floor, making an echoing sound. I turned my head to see if anything was following me. Nothing chased me down the dark corridors of the underneath. I continued my run down the hallway until, I saw light. it seemed like a heavenly glow after being stuck for so long.

I ran out and into the large space where I had left Eowyen. I ran back and up the stairs. I ran into the main hall where our new visitors were. They seemed like regular people. And to be honest, some of them looked cute. But I was married. No room for love except for my Pip! The group had descended upon the King of Rohan. I excpected Grima to come snaking out, but he didn't, therefore, The King had no one to help translate. Deciding I would help, I walked up to the  group of men that stood before the King. 
"Hello." I greeted them.
"Hello, young one. Tell me, we have come from far off away near Isengard. We have news to tell the king, but I am afriad that he is unresponsive." The lead man stepped up and bowed at me. Ha, guess he didn't know that I wasn't really part of the kingdom, but just a mere visitor.
"Uh, what is that news that you bring with you?" I asked. The man stood up and looked at me.
"We were riding past Isengard at noon, when the sun was high. Beyond the peak of Isengard, we saw teams, groups of newly bred Orcs, known as the Uruk Hai, standing within the gates of Isengard. It appeared as if they were getting ready for war." He alarmed me. I felt a shiver run up my back and then back down. My hair stood up. Merry and Pippin.
"O-o-oh. Uh okay." I stuttered and then turned around to face Theoden. I bowed down at his feet.
"Dear King Theoden, I have been informed that Uruk Hai are beginning to advance upon the lands of Middle Earth. These noble men have come here to warn us about the dangers." I told him. The old man looked up at me with his milky eye and frail body.
"Oh dear." That was all he said. I was confused at first for the response that I had gotten. The king should be more worried about the dangers that could inherit his land! "My dear king! Uruk Hai are decsending upon the land and you do not care about this!?" I raised my voice a little. As I said that to the King, there came Grima Wormtongue slinking out of the corner of the room. He loomed and then rushed up to defend the king.
"My lady! You need to let the King be! He has much to worry about and you are the least of them!" He scolded me.
"But Grima! Uruk Hai will come and attack if we do not act upon it!" I yelled at him. I was now becoming very angry with Grima and the King. Grima strode up to me and firmly put both hands on my shoulders and shook me with rage.
"We will get that in time!" He yelled and then threw me down the stairs. I bumoed down along the stairs and landed back on my back. The wind had been knocked out of me. I quickly held my stomach. Oh no! i struggled to get my breathing back. Eowyen rushed to me and looked at me.
"Are you okay?"
"Yes i am." I struggled up and looked defiantly at Grima who looked like he wanted to kill me. "Can we go somewhere else please?" I asked her. I wanted to get as far away as I could from Grima and his anger issues.

Eowyen and I walked along the nicer, cooler and safer marble halls of the small castle. When I looked among the walls I saw fragments of wepons and armour.
"Eowyen, what are those weapons and armour peices doing up there?" I asked. I put my hand to my side and felt my whip. Still there. Always a good thing.
"Well, Alice, these were used against Saruon and his defenses during the Great War. We look upon them everyday and thank the dead ones for sacrificing their life for ours and helping stay free." Eowyen spoke with such diligance and respect for the people who had died in the war that had determined whether we were to be free and repremanded by Sauron and his Ring. I made a silent prayer in my head. "Why did Grima throw you down? What did you do?" Eowyen asked as we walked among the great halls. I felt guilt and despair.
"I was trying to tell Theoden about the decsending Uruk Hai among the other lands. I told him that they would come to Rohan next, but he wouldn't listen to me. I tried to tell him again and then Grima comes and mucks things up. He yelled at me and told me that saving Rohan was none of his concern. Don't you find that a bit odd? How long has Grima been here?" I asked Eowyen. She looked up at me.
"Well he arrived a couple months ago. Just out of no where and Theoden thought that it would be kind to take him in. He looked lonely, as my uncle put it." she explained their finding of Grima.
"And when did Theoden become so sickly and frail?" I asked her. Her eye widened and looked at me with shock.
"A...a few months ago. Around the time Grima came around."
"See! Grima is the cause of this. We could stop this! Come on!" I looked at Eowyen and told her my idea. She looked hesitant.
"No. we can't." she told me.
"Why not?"
"Because. I tried once but...I only got pushed farther away. every time I try to reveal who he is, something goes wrong or no one beleives me. trust me, we should give up." She told me.
"Just wait! Just wait until Aragorn, Gimli and the others come!" I told her. I left her side and began to jog down the hall, to the last corridor, the last hall and the last room.... 

How I Ended Up In Middle Earth. (LOTR Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now