Any objection?"

"No objection your, Honor"


7. Both Parties will be permitted access to child's medical records, including any medical bills. In addition, all major medical decisions will be mutually agreed by the Parties.

Any objection?"

"No objection your, Honor"


8. While in the custody or care of one Party, the other shall have reasonably liberal visitation rights.

Any objection?"

"No objection your, Honor"

"The court will be giving both parties to give each one a reasonable clause to be included in the written agreement"

"Your, Honor. The Respondent requests this clause to be included in the written agreement 'the Respondent will have the freedom to decide and modify visitation schedules, (1) where the Petitioner fails to take care of the child, the Respondent has the right to disallow or cancel the visitation schedule of the day. In cases of decisions beyond the scope of the written agreement, the Respondent's decision will, at all times, be honored, respected and followed"

"Opinion or objection is now open for the other party"

"No objection your, Honor" Aga's Lawyer responds

Lea was surprised, shocked that they come up with that decision, quickly. Lea squints, she gives Aga a power gaze to show suspicion Anong balak ni Aga? I can read his moves, there's something going on"

"The Respondent's request to include the clause is granted" the court Judge declares

"Your, Honor" Aga's Lawyer stands up "My client, the Petitioner, vows to sign the written agreement without any objection or request for revisions only if, this clause will be agreed by the other party in the written agreement 'the Respondent, together with the child, will reside in the Philippines for the purpose of close monitoring, where; (1) the child will recognize and acquire the 'Morales' family name, all legal processes will be transacted by the Petitioner's party (2) the Petitioner will provide whatever financial request, in any form, that the other party will propose, request, order or alike (3) the Petitioner will provide his chosen residential home to where the child will stay, (4) the Respondent has the freedom to choose to either work or stay at home'"

Shit, I knew it! Lea said to herself

"Opinion or objection is now open for the other party"

"Ang yabang ni Aga may pa 'in any form' pa. I disagree with the residence; I am under a signed contract in Addenbrooke" Lea tells Miguel

"Objection. The Respondent is under a signed contract in Addenbrooke Hospital. She disagrees with the clause"

"Your Honor, the party is fully aware that the Respondent is under a signed contract in Addenbrooke Hospital. Through an e-mail, the Hospital confirmed that the Respondent is under a signed contract effective until two months after today's date. The Hospital also confirmed the submitted written intent of the Respondent to continue her contract in the said Hospital. However, it can still be invalidated or can be nullifed upon request of the Respondent. Thereby, the Respondent can still choose to invalidate or nullify or annul the submitted written intent"

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