Lucila glared at her. "Both." Rosalie shrugged. "What? Do you know something I don't? Because you're certainly acting like it."

She shrugged again. "Nothing," Ro replied. "Just that it's your pride at stake. I hope you don't get as angry as you did last time we met."

"And why should I listen to you?!"

"Because I'm going to win this, and there's nothing you can do about it. You should try and use this time to vent some of that anger," Ro said, smirking smugly. "I'll even let you have a full minute to try and touch me."

"Stop your cocky bull and fight me already!" Lucila yelled.

They both looked to the referee and nodded. He shook his head sadly and waved his hand to begin. Lucila fell into stance, glaring at Ro's relaxed demeanor. "Don't toy with me, you royal pain in the-"

"Don't finish that sentence, Lucila," Ro said icily, narrowing her eyes. "I could beat you with my eyes closed. It's only for your benefit that I keep them open. We wouldn't want to wound your pride more than it already is, would we?"

Lucila cried out in anger and threw herself at Ro, swinging for her head. She was blocked easily with a flick of Ro's wrist. All the while, Lucila was trying to fight her way into Rosalie's mind without success. She gave up on that front, putting all the force she could muster into swinging her sword. The smirk on Ro's face only enraged her more.

They met in the middle, swords locked together. "Why haven't you bothered weaving yet?! The whole school knows you're amazing at it, so why not put on a show, princess?" Lucila growled.

"Because I might accidentally kill you," Ro said quietly. "Whatever problem you have with me, Lucila, you need to address it now. I'm sick of the dirty looks and the angry muttering whenever we cross paths."

Lucila struggled to get away, but Rosalie had her locked in. She glowered at the ranker. "I almost had him," she whispered. "I almost had Corvin and then you come waltzing in with your stupid title and your stupid powers and your ridiculous ability to make people feel sorry for you," she said, each word getting more frustrated as she went. "He's the only guy I can't wrap around my finger in a second, the only one who would actually talk to me, and then you stole him."

Ro looked at the girl in shock. "So this is're jealous?" she asked incredulously. "Because..." she trailed off. After a second, she started laughing hysterically. "You think that I stole Corvin from you?! That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard! And I live with Elwood and Alicia!"

A couple of indignant 'hey!'s were heard from farther down the field, making Ro laugh more. All of the rankers were currently fighting, although the effort put in was minimal, and . Deidra had already gotten through six challengers in the two minutes Ro had been 'fighting' Lucila.

"Listen, Lucila," Ro said, breaking away. Lucila fell to the ground. "I didn't steal Corvin from you. Maybe it just so happens he enjoys me as a person? I know, I know, kind of a wild concept," she said sarcastically. She gave a sheepish smile at the other girl's scowl. "Sorry. Sarcasm is my second language."

Snickers rose up from the gathered crowd, which were promptly silenced by a sharp look from Rosalie. "I'm sick of the whole school talking about you!" Lucila roared, standing up and raising her sword again. "They act like you're something special but you're not!"

Ro couldn't help but roll her eyes. "This is gonna sound a little conceited, but I kinda am," she said, blocking each hit as easily as the last. "All the rankers all, which is why we're doing this. Put aside the crown, and I'm literally one of the strongest students in the school."

Rosalie's Kingdom {OLD VERSION- INCOMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now