When he becomes possessive

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Class dismissed. That means, Kagami and I are going on a date today.

At the mall.

I only have a few minutes to prepare for my wardrobe and I have to dress nicely for Kagami. I like the way he looks at me whenever I dress nice, he looks at me like I'm the most beautiful girl in the world and it makes me confident.

Not being the narcissistic type here, but you know what I mean.

I just wore my red crop top and a pair of denim shorts, and paired it with my black boots. I let my hair down for the day to spice out my OOTD. I just wore light make up since Kagami doesn't really like me putting too much make up.

 I just wore light make up since Kagami doesn't really like me putting too much make up

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Not too long, Kagami knocked on the front door. I greeted him in with a wide smile on my face.

"Hey, (Y/N)." He smiled back, then looking at me from head to toe. He always does this whenever we go out. "What are you wearing?"

"Uhmm.. this??" Not sure what to say, I ended questioning him back. But from the look on his face, he doesn't look happy.

"I don't like what you're wearing." He commented. He got me there, he just completely crushed my ego as a woman.

"What? But I dressed up just for you, what's wrong?" My face dropped as I asked him. He heaved a heavy sigh and just led me back inside the house.


"Your shirt's too fit and it shows your belly button." His baritone voice was enough to bring a weird sensation in my back. I gulped.

"Uhh, that's why it's called a crop top. It's meant to be that way!" I argued, then checked myself back at the mirror. "What's so bad in this outfit?"

"Your shorts are too short." He commented again, completely ignoring me.

"They're called shorts for a reason." I grunted.

His face was impassive. He didn't buy any of my excuses and, he is definitely not going to let it slide.

"Go. Change." His voice was so full of finality.

"What? But I—"


"But I dressed like this to impress you!"

Kagami grabbed my wrists and pinned me on the wall. Taken aback, I was frozen in my spot in an instant, his deep red eyes captivated my attention, like they were staring right through me, reading every detail in my mind. It was terrifying.

"Listen, (Y/N)," He trailed off, "You don't have to dress like that to impress me. 'Cause God knows how much pretty you already are even if you're just wearing a piece of sack. So if you plan to dress like that when we're in public, better yet, let's not go outside."

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