When you meet his teammates

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This scenario is based when they already formed Team Vorpal Swords.

Enjoy reading 😊❤️



"Wait here..." Taiga sits you down in one of the chairs as both of you made it inside the court.

You nodded as you watched him run on the other side to meet his new teammates.

The others didn't notice you and Taiga entering the court since they were so busy and focused on training. You gulped hard as you noticed Taiga already talking to his teammates, assuming that he was already informing them about you.

"Hey.." Taiga called to you as he walked to your direction, along with his teammates beside him.

You felt the sudden change of aura in the court when you observed his teammates as they neared you.

"Well, this is (Y/N)..." Taiga started, as he stood beside you.

Showing some politeness, you bowed quickly. "Good day!" As soon as you finished, you met their gaze. "I'm (L/N) (Y/N)... Nice to meet you."

Waiting for their response, you were expecting some but they only changed glances at each other. Typically, they weren't showing any interest at all.

"Uhh, yeah.. Same here.." The tall, tanned man spoke up, keeping a quite irritated expression while he scratched the nape of his neck.

"Hello... (L/N)-san.." A guy suddenly appears right in front of you, completely unaware, you squealed without doing it on purpose.

"A-ah, I'm sorry, Kuroko-kun!" You apologized as soon as you recognized that it was Kuroko. You've seen him a few times since he's really close to Taiga.

After that, none of them spoke another word.

The tension got heavier as you felt one of his teammates stares at your presence, as if he was staring right through you.

"Very well..." The guy with the heterochromatic eyes says with a prideful tone. "Proceed back to the training."

With that, almost all of them sighed heavily and went back to their rightful positions on the court and continued practicing.

You and Taiga were left out like nothing even happened. And to the fact that their uninterested looks just a while ago disappointed you, but you didn't really take it to heart that much.

"Jeez, why did they have to be like that?" Taiga rolled his eyes and ending his sentence with a 'tch.'

"Hehe, it's fine..." You waved off while faking a laugh.

"Sorry about that..." He apologized, avoiding your gaze.

"I already told you, it's fine." You laughed slyly, looking at the guys on the court. "They're probably tired..."

"What, really?" He smirked, crossing his arms. "After all that, you still managed to keep it cool?"

"Why not?" You shrugged at him, sighing.

"Anyway.." Taiga trailed off, placing his palm on top of your head. "I'll show them off to you the next time they'll see you, okay?" He smiled brightly, his eyes almost shutting.

Surprised, you chew over the words his spoke and came up with a response with a smile. "Yes!"


"Everyone..." Tetsuya suddenly belches out a voice that startled almost everybody in the court.

"O-oi, Tetsuya..." You elbowed him softly. "You didn't have to do that..." You said shyly, biting your lower lip.

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