When he gets worried about you

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You came home late because of the traffic, and you can't contact Kagami because you're phone went dead before you could call him. But now you already reached home, but almost midnight.

"Taiga?" You knocked on the door, waiting for an answer.

"So, he's already asleep." You mumbled to yourself as you took the spare key at your bag.

"(Y/N)!" The door suddenly blew open, surprising you. It was Taiga.

"Taiga, I thought you were-"

Kagami suddenly pulled you into a hug like he never wanted to let go.


"Damn, you worry me too much." He whispered through your neck.

"Well, its traffic. Sorry." You giggled, patting his back.

"Why weren't you answering my calls?! I was worried sick about you! I even thought of calling the police! I thought something wrong happened to you." Kagami panicked, hugging you once more.

"My phone died. I was just going to tell you." You giggled again.

"Jeez, don't do that ever again." Kagami pulled you inside and locked the front door.

"I'm sorry, this will be the last." You laughed, but felt touch about him being worried and concerned.


The relative that you were close to just recently died because of serious illness. After knowing the sudden news, you tried to talk about it with him.

"I understand. Well, people don't always stay by our side. That's why, people come and go." Kuroko's words were so gentle that you smiled.

"Yeah. Its just so sudden. I mean, yeah... Its just really sudden." Your voice shook, but you don't want to break down in front of him.

"Sudden events are apart of life, you just need to know how to conquer them. Besides, I'm here to help you." He looked ay you with a smile plastered on his lips.

"Yeah. Thanks, Tetsuya." You sniffed, forcing yourself not to cry but it was hard to keep the feelings inside.

"You know, you don't have to act all tough when you're with me." Kuroko said softly, his words surprising you.


"It worries me that you keep all those feelings all piled up inside you. Sometimes, letting it all out will help. And, you can let it out now." Kuroko smiled at you, and then feeling a tear drop on your cheeks.

"Its... Its just so hard!" You buried your face in your hands, finally crying your heart out.

"Its fine, (Y/L/N)-san." Kuroko patted your shoulders as he let you lean on his shoulders.

"I-its... I'm sorry." You cried on his shoulders, lots of tears falling down.

"Don't be. Its okay to cry." Kuroko whispered, patting your head.


"Ew, look at her."

"She's like, so boring."

"Ugh yeah. I can't believe that guy's too blind to find a better girl than her."

Hearing those words pierced your heart, but hiding the pain cause you we're walking with your boyfriend, Kise.

"(Y/N)cchi??" Kise called you as he disturbed you from his thoughts.

"Oh, sorry." You apologized, looking down.

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