When he gets mad at you

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"HAHAHAH!" You laughed so hard while watching your favorite comedy show.

Then, you heard Kagami coming out from his room.

"(Y/N)! Something's burning!" Kagami panicked and quickly went to the kitchen.

You didn't know what to do, that you just sat there, speechless.

"Holy sh*t!" You heard Kagami swear loudly from the kitchen.

You made your way to the kitchen, seeing a lot of smoke.


"(Y/N), you left the stove on?!" Kagami yelled at you angrily. You were surprised.

You were actually cooking breakfast that you forgot to check your cooking because of the entertainment you were watching on the TV.

"I... I forgot to-"

"For goodness' sake, Y/N! Really?!" Kagami was so mad, he slammed his hand at the table.

"I'm sorry."

"Tell me, what would happen if I didn't wake up from my sleep?! We could've died in here!" Kagami yelled in frustration.

"I'm sorry, I forgot." You apologized, looking down.

"You forgot?! You should've been more attentive while you were cooking! Especially with the stove on!" Kagami lectured you, gritting his teeth.

"Taiga, I'm so sorry." You almost cried, as you realized that he whole thing was your fault.

"Ugh, just don't do it again next time. You're giving me a heart attack." He walked passed you, but leaving a towel on your head and ignoring the whole situation.


"Tetsuya, can I have some of that?" You pouted at Kuroko, looking at the milkshake in his hands.

"Here." He lend you his milkshake but then, you accidentally dropped it.

"O-oh..." You bit your lip, looking at Kuroko. "I'm sorry, Tetsuya."

"I only gulped once." He said, his voice was serious.

"Well, I-"

"I haven't even finished it half-way." He looked at the milkshake on the ground.


"You should have been more careful." Even though his words were calm, you could still sense anger from his tone.

"I already said I'm sorry." You whined, biting your nail.

"And it won't change the fact that you wasted food." He looked right ahead, ignoring you.

"Tetsuya, look. I'm sorry."

"Let's just go home." He walked right ahead of you, ignoring your apology.


"(Y/N)cchi, have you seen my wallet?" He asked you, panicking because he'll be late for work.

"No, I haven't." You shook your head.

"But you just had it, (Y/N)cchi! You're supposed to put it in my bag! Where is it?" He panicked, trying to look at the closet.

"I haven't seen it, Ryouta-"

"Damn it!" He stomped his foot, feeling angry. "How am I supposed to go to work without it?!"

"Ryouta, calm down! I'll just find it-"

"Ugh, forget it." You threw his jacket out of anger, leaving you speechless.

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