Near the end of the trip, I dozed off and fell asleep. I'm not even sure how I managed to fall asleep in the sitting up position. But I was comfortable and that was all that mattered. 

      In my sleep, I had more visions. This time more graphic. I was running towards or away from something with Merry and Pippin by my side. I'm not sure what, but it was something worthwhile our time. We ran down the rocky hills and brambly trees slapping us in the face and stubbing our toes on the stumps of dead trees. I could sense that something was behind us, though I was too afraid to look back. Eager though, to find out what was causing this, I did. I saw a heard of Orcs and newly bred Uruk Hai. They were much more devious and well trained then the original orcs that Saruman had. Pip, Merry and I reached the bottom of a hill and stopped to catch out breath. Uruk Hai was still following us. Scared out of our wits, we turned to keep running, but saw that we were delayed by the many Uruk Hai teams that had come up behind us, baracading us in. I knew that this was the end. I held Merry and Pippin's hand and said an elvish prayer. The Uruk Hai advanced slowly towards us, as if they were teasing us. I closed my eyes shut and waited. As the seconds passed, nothing came. I opened my eyes and saw that Boromir had arrived to save us. He was killing and slaughtering Uruk Hai by the dozen. We cheered and knew that we were going to be saved. That victory did not last long. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Lurtz. The Uruk Hai leader. Standing above all, he took out his own bow and arrow. Setting the arrow into the bow and pulling back, he aimed for Boromir. I watched in horror as he let go and the arrow went flying. It hit Boromir and he hit the ground with shock, but what surprised us all was that he got back up and began to brings down more Uruk Hai. Lurtz flung another arrow and another. By the third or fourth arrow, he sank down, dying slowly....

I flung up, scared from the freaky vision I had. I looked beside me at Boromir. He was peering out at the wonderous sights of the river that we were traveling on. I looked out too. I felt something evil out beyond the forests. A chill rose up my spine and back down. 

While sitting in the boat, I felt a crash. I jolted up to see what had happened. I peered over Merry and PIppin, who were looking to see where we were. I recognized this place. We had arrived at Parth Galen. I watched as Aragorn, Frodo and Sam got out of their boat first. I examined Frodo closely. He looked paler, weaker and much more quite. He was the Frodo I didn't know. I watched him as he tripped and landed on the rocks. The One Ring came out from underneath his shirt. Beside me, I felt Boromir tensen up. I looked to see is Boromir was going to be alright. He wasn't. It was like a dark veil of pure hatred and evil had covered him. He looked at the Ring and longed to have it in his hands. I was going to say something to stop him, but He jumped out of the boat and watched Frodo from the side. He set his shield down and sat down, admiring the scenery. Pippin came up behind. 

"What's wrong, Ali?" He asked. I snapped out of my stage

"Oh, nothing. Nothing's wrong. Come on, let's sit down." I went over to where we had begun to set up our things. I sat down and watched as Aragorn set up camp and Legolas and Gimli sat down. Gimli took a seat next to us and began babbling on about the path we would be taking. He talked about razor toothed things that stuck out of the ground and the bogs that would stand between us and Mordor. Pip and I looked at him with fear. The baby kicked as if to agree.

"oof!" I said as the baby stopped. I held my stomach and made sure to not draw any attention. Pippin noticed and watched me carefully. He knew that I could handle myself now. While we were waiting for Merry to come back with the wood for fire, I kept a careful eye on Boromir. He seemed to be in a conflict with his self. Pippin was playing with some sticks he had found lying near the bank of the river. 

"Pippin, do you miss the Shire?" I asked him, knowing the answer already.

"Yes. I do miss the shire very much. But this is a fun adventure." He said with faux joy.

How I Ended Up In Middle Earth. (LOTR Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now