Chapter 19: In the Morning

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my real life best friend!! w00t w00t!! She's actually the person who first got me into writing a few years back :D So yeah, be sure to check out her story, He's SO Not Worth It!! It's a rom-com ;D


My eyes fluttered open as the haze of sleep slowly left me. I let out a yawn as I began to stretch out my stiff muscles and attempted to sit up. However, my body betrayed me when it made no move to comply with my mind, and I remained lying buried deep in my soft, fluffy comforter.

God, what time is it?

There was a prickling thought at the back of my head, like there was something very important that I needed to remember, but it was way too early in the morning for me to actually care. So I lay in my bed, almost letting the tendrils of sleep get to me again before it finally hit me.

"OH SHIT!" I nearly yelled, and quickly sat up, now wide awake.

The events of last night came back to me in a rush, everything from Aiden showing up to my house to me inviting him to stay. The realization of that caused the blood to drain from my face. Sure, at the time it seemed like a good idea. But now, after a good night's rest, all I could think was, "WHAT THE HELL WAS WRONG WITH ME?"

Stay calm. Maybe it was all just a dream.

Despite my brain telling me how stupid that was, I continued to hope it was a dream as I slowly got out of my bed and tiptoed my way out of my bedroom. Why I was tiptoeing, I don't know—I mean what the hell does that actually accomplish? It's not like me tiptoeing was going to prevent him from really being there or anything.

When I finally made it to the door that would be where he was staying, I stopped and took a deep breath. He's not here. Finally, I slowly raised my hand and knocked on the wooden surface. The sound was louder than I'd expected as it reverberated through the house and made me cringe. I expected the door to burst open after that, but after a few seconds passed, still nothing happened.

I knew I should have been relieved at that, so it surprised me when I actually felt almost...disappointed. What the fuck is wrong with me? Shaking my head, I brought my hand to the doorknob and twisted it, pushing open the door all the way.

When I made my way inside, I found not a single thing out of place. The bed was made, as it had been before, and there were no additions to the room that hadn't already been there. It was almost as if everything was exactly the same, like Aiden hadn't even been here at all. Had I really been dreaming? Was I hallucinating? If that was the case, then maybe it hadn't been such a good thing to hope for because now I could possibly be considered certifiably insane.

The sound of a door opening caused me to nearly jump up a foot in the air, and I quickly spun around to face the source. Coming out of the bathroom was—well what do you know?

Aiden Vaughan.

And my jaw dropped when I saw that he had nothing on except his boxers.

He proceeded to take a few steps before he finally noticed he wasn't alone and he froze. Then his gaze swung to me, and we both just stood there staring at each other. He looked like a statue, completely emotionless, while I was still gawking awkwardly. Finally noticing this, I quickly shut my mouth, which was like a signal for him to move as well. His mouth slowly transformed into a Cheshire grin, and I couldn't stop myself from thinking how hot that looked. Wait—hot? I meant fucking annoying.

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