Chapter 9: Deal

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(Irrelevant to anyone who started reading this book in the year 2015) So instead of introducing Officer Ramirez in this chapter I decided to wait for later. I just felt that the police officer I wrote in this chapter didn't really suit the Officer Ramirez that I've developed in later chapters. So what I'm doing is making the school police officer be a different, but incompetent one who's an incredibly minor character (who will likely be appearing only in this chapter), while Officer Ramirez is going to be the Sheriff who's more fair and a more major character (those of you who haven't read further will find this out later). Anyway, letting people who've already read through the book know this in case anyone's actually planning to read back!


So my glitter prank totally back-fired. 

Well, maybe not completely; it worked out great for the most part until the very end, when Aiden had to completely ruin everything! I'd known subconsciously that there was a possibility that his destroyed reputation wouldn't last, but I hadn't realized he'd make it into something that made him even more loved by everyone, while I was in return even more hated—however that was even possible...

I would honestly even be applauding him right now and calling him an evil genius for being able to turn something like that around if I hadn't declared war on him, but more importantly if I hadn't been receiving death threats from his psychotic fan-girls.

 Yeah. Seriously.

I'd walked into school the morning after the whole glitter prank blow-over, noticing the completely obvious glares and sneers I was receiving from practically everyone within five miles from me. That part was expected so it didn't bother me. However, the part I hadn't been expecting was when, as soon as I opened my locker, piles and piles of notes fell on top of me.

Startled, I'd jumped back and squealed. Then I slowly picked up one of the notes and read it.

I'm going to kill you for trying to mess with Aiden, you filthy little bitch!

I couldn't help it. I gasped. Sure, I knew they hated me, but this—this was too much.

I'd looked up at the passing bystanders then, trying to figure out which one of the bastards wrote it. However, as I looked from face to face, I noticed all of them wore the same wicked, evil expression as they stared back at me and I realized it could have been anyone. Or everyone.

So I picked up more of the notes, though I knew reading all of them was hopeless considering there seemed to be dozens of them. They were all death threats. As I read more and more notes, it seemed that they just seemed to get even worse as I went on. I mean they made that first letter look like rainbows and sunshine; someone had even photoshopped my face to a body that had been hanged by a noose, the caption: "Do everyone a favor and go kill yourself." That one made me feel so horrible I felt nauseous; I just couldn't believe these were actual people that I probably even went to class with that had done this.

The more I read, the more numb I became, and the more I could feel the onslaught of tears coming on. I know I put on this whole tough appearance, but I was still a seventeen year-old girl. And realizing that pretty much the whole school literally wanted to murder me wasn't exactly something that I could take lightly, no matter how tough I was. I was filled with sadness at the thought that people—human beings—could even write such things—terrified that at any moment someone was just waiting to act on their threat—and furious.

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