Chapter 23: Answers

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Okay this took a VERY long time to write. I'm sorry :( Never intended for it to take so long, but also, I never imagined just how hard it would be for me to write this chapter. If you see the title of it, you can probably guess what this chapter's about, and that's the reason I've just been having so much difficulty--because I actually had to figure out all of the answers and explanations and stuff (plus there's SOOO MUCH DIALOGUE >.<)

So yeah, this is for you! Really hope you all enjoy!





I sat on my bed—rather, Diana's guest bed—drinking a bottle of O negative as I stared at the metal chest laying on my lap. To open or not to open... 

Either way it wouldn't matter considering I didn't even have the power to open it, yet.

The sound of soft footsteps downstairs alerted me that I was no longer alone in the house. Diana had finally arrived, though we'd both left the school at the same time. It wasn't exactly a surprise that I made it first however, considering I always drove at least fifteen miles over the speed limit. Like I actually give a fuck that there was a limit.

I listened as she trudged upstairs, getting closer to my room, before finally I got a glimpse of her as she passed by the open door, did a double take, and came to stand in the doorway. She studied my appearance, shirtless and only in a pair of jeans, the chest still in my lap. Finally, her expression transformed into one of disgust as her eyes settled on the bottle of blood I was still sipping from as I stared back at her. Her expression was so adorable, it took a lot for me to not spit out the blood from laughter, which would possibly stain her white carpet and piss her off completely, and then probably end with me being homeless.

So instead, I smirked at her, expecting the scowl that formed on her face right after. It had become like a sort of game; there was not one time where my smirk seemed to annoy the shit out of Diana, and the knowledge of that was always so fun to use to my advantage (but mostly just for my entertainment). She crossed her arms over her chest and leaned against the door.

"I don't think I could ever get used to this sight," she said then, trying but not quite succeeding to keep the disgust out of her voice.

Smugly, I responded, "What, me shirtless? It's okay, babe, it's completely normal for girls to be mesmerized by the sight of this every time."  To emphasize my words, I gestured to my abs which were on full display before her.

She scowled, but I didn't miss the slight blush, nor the way her eyes lingered over my body for a second longer than necessary before she focused on my face again. I hid another smirk. "You know that's not what I meant," she said in an annoyed tone, and I finally couldn't help but smile, which only deepened her scowl.

"I meant that I don't think I'll ever be able to get used to seeing you drinking blood out of a bottle."

I shrugged, and deciding to be serious for once, I replied, "This is my life as I've always known it, so sorry that I can't relate. Besides, I think you'd much prefer seeing me get my dose of blood this way rather than the, erm, other ways I used to get it..."

Her face morphed into one of revulsion before she straightened up and asked, "Wait, what's that supposed to mean?"

"Umm, do you really want me to elaborate further on the ways I used to satisfy all of my—thirsts?"

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