Chapter 28: And it All Comes Out

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I want to thank _Chaos for making the cover for this story as well as It Started with a Party!!! She really did an amazing job didn't she?? :D


I watched him through narrowed eyes as he navigated his way through the kitchen. He'd decided to cook once again; I was starting to get the suspicion that he enjoyed it a lot more than he let on. Flashbacks of the day went through my mind, and the irritation I'd felt earlier renewed.

Why did he ask Lexi to homecoming, of all people? It could not have been that he just really wanted to go with her—he'd hardly even spoken to her before today!


I brought my gaze up to Aiden's light blue eyes, which were staring at me inquiringly. "Hmm?" I asked.

That familiar smirk appeared on his lips, and I found myself not being able to bring my eyes away. "I asked you three times how you liked your steak cooked," Aiden said, trying to keep the laughter out of his voice. I snapped my eyes up to his own, hoping he'd missed the very unsubtle way I was staring at his mouth.

"Oh, umm, medium-well," I replied, wanting to kick myself at how confused and awkward I sounded.

For a second he hesitated, those icy blue eyes of his actually taking on a look of concern as he stared at me intently. "You okay?"

I bit my lip and shifted my weight to my right foot, debating on whether I should just come out with it already.

I didn't even have a chance to reason it out, for my mouth made up my mind for me as I suddenly blurted, "What was all that about at lunch?"

Well, that was a bit more straightforward than I had planned. Whatever, he could deal.

For a second he merely stood there, confused by my sudden outburst, before slowly breaking into a grin. He coughed however, after noticing my irritated glare, and changed his expression into a more appropriate, serious one.

"And exactly what are you talking about? Me coming to sit at your table? I already told you, I wanted to spy on Dane and Celine," he said, annoyingly nonchalant.

"Well, I already knew that," I stated, rolling my eyes. "I meant the fact that you asked my best friend to homecoming!"

By the end my voice had unnecessarily risen a few decibels.

 Aiden rose an eyebrow in curiosity. "Why do you care? You jealous or something?"

I blushed at his blunt insinuation. "Hell no!" I practically yelled, instantly regretting it afterward.

Mortified by my embarrassing behavior, I shut up and fought the urge to just run out of the room then and there. Oh God, I just wanted to crawl in a hole and just die right now.  What the hell was wrong with me? I'd never been this much of a wreck when having a simple conversation before; I felt like an immature fifteen year old who didn't know how to talk properly.

Aiden put his hands up warily, before saying, "Woah, girl, chill out! I was just kidding."

Trying to salvage whatever composure I had left, I straightened up and replied calmly, "Yeah of course. I knew that."

Aiden's eyebrow rose once again, obviously not buying it. "Is that so?"

Blushing, I decided to not respond and instead looked away, not wanting to humiliate myself any further (if that was even possible). I heard Aiden chuckle before he moved to return to his cooking, and I breathed out a sigh of relief. It would be much easier to continue this conversation without his unnerving scrutiny.

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