Chapter 40: Through Space and Time

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Dedicated to HarleyQ12345 because it's her birthday (happy birthday!!) and she has been a great supporter of me and this story- you rock!! ;D

IMPORTANT AUTHOR'S NOTE: I've mentioned this before, but I thought I would re-mention this. Despite what some of you may think, I know this story has a LOT of flaws. I started the concept and writing it when I was I think 17, and now I'm 21. A LOT has changed, including my writing style and also the plans I had for this story. I've probably changed the story's plans like a billion times since starting this story so that means it's not thoroughly consistent and also doesn't touch on some things that it probably should. However, it would take a lot of time to go back and edit/change these things, so just know that while I'm only editing minor things for now, after I finish this book I will go back and CHANGE/ADD a LOT to make this story much more fluid and wholesome and just overall better. 

That being said, thank you to those of you who've been there from the start and have kept up with this story since. I think you've in a way been able to see how I've grown and matured, just from reading this story and being there to see how my style and perspective has changed as I grow older. It's because of yall that I've kept writing, even if it take me months to update now :)

Alright that's all I have to say, love you all and hope you enjoy this chapter!!!


"Hello Diana, my name is Sheriff Ramirez. I just wanted to ask you a few questions about what happened yesterday."

I looked up at the man speaking to me. He was a bronze-skinned Hispanic man who looked to be in his mid forties. His black hair was cropped short to his head, and I could tell that he was fit for his age judging by the way his biceps bulged from underneath his long-sleeved khaki shirt. Though his face was hardened in a neutral mask, the soft look in his eyes and his gentle voice told me he there was more to him despite his hard exterior.

We were sitting in what I presumed to be his office, a space that didn't quite look all that special considering how many movies and shows I'd watched with policemen's offices that looked almost exactly the same. The space was small and didn't have very many furniture save a desk, chairs for sitting, a small couch, and a few filing cabinets. Sheriff Ramirez sat behind his desk, facing away from the windows that looked out into the rest of the police station. The blinds were closed, likely to maximize our privacy and minimize any distractions during my statement. Over to his side was a camcorder propped up by a stand, facing me.

Minutes ago, Aiden had been in here, offering his statement as well. However, as he really only was able to tell them about him coming to my house and finding me, there really wasn't much for him to say to help with the case. Then it was my turn, and I knew that unlike Aiden, we would be here for a long time.

"Alright," I finally replied, letting out a weary sigh. I really didn't want to have to do this, but it had to be done—especially if we wanted a real chance at catching Joel.

"First, why don't you tell me what happened, starting with you going to the Anderson residence and the reason for your visit there. Please try not to leave out any details as it's important that we know everything in order to help both you and Aiden as best we can," Sheriff Ramirez said then, emphasizing that last part.

I gulped, not exactly prepared to promise him that, but nodded anyway to appease him.

"Yesterday after school I decided to go and visit Luke Anderson at his house because I felt like he'd been acting...odd lately," I began, already slightly lying about my exact reasoning for visiting Luke's house. If they knew Aiden had broken into the house and that was what really led to my visit there, who knew what kind of trouble he'd get into.

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