Chapter 42: An Inevitable Betrayal

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Dedicated to BrainNemesis who actually did an interview of me! If you guys would be interested in checking it out, it's in her work Proximity (Author Interviews)! I thought it was a really cool idea and I'm very honored to have even been asked for an interview :')

Anyhow, this is a VERY short chapter, I'm really sorry about that, I was honestly going to wait til I finished writing more, but the transition afterwards (going back to Aiden's POV) just wouldn't have worked well, so for the sake of the flow of the story I'm just going to upload this as one chapter even though it's so short :( 

Forgive me again for not updating in so long, I only have one more semester of college left and even then my ass is STILL being kicked *sigh* but I'll try to write during the break, after I get back from Colorado at least heh. I hope you like this chapter though, there's some angst towards the end (as to be expected). 

(p.s. has anyone read the Court of Thrones and Roses series? I am obsessed with it rn lol)



The drive to the hotel was a short one as the anticipation to test my theory of the key being inside the locket kept me speeding nearly the entire way there. Of course, part of me was still worried about Diana and wondered whether my choice to leave her alone was wise, but I knew that if this thing between us was going to work—and god I really wanted it to—I needed to learn to trust her. So trust her, I did—or at least attempted to.

On the bright side, being eager about getting to the locket made that a hell of a lot easier.

What was even more encouraging was the fact that the compass Marie had given me had begun to vibrate again, and by the time I arrived at the hotel, it was now buzzing steadily. The tempo of my heartbeat increased rapidly as I rushed inside and made a beeline straight to the elevator, practically ignoring Hank as he greeted me as always. Sorry, man, but I've got priorities at the moment..

I practically jumped inside as soon as the doors opened; however, once they closed and my ascent began, the universe must have thought it was a grand idea to choose this moment to mess with me as the ride was so torturously slow. Each second passing felt rather like a minute as the elevator climbed past one floor after the other. It didn't help that the elevator music was possibly the most obnoxious noise I'd ever had the pleasure of being forced to listen to. I guess this was my punishment for impractically choosing to stay on the fiftieth damn floor of a building.

At long last the ding was my salvation, and hardly waiting for the door to open, I ran to my room, making it inside and to the fireplace within seconds. The compass was now buzzing furiously, and if I had any doubt that my theory was incorrect before, I was now almost ninety-nine percent sure it wasn't.

It only took me a moment to find the locket laying on the floor several feet from the fireplace due to the rebound from when I threw it at the mantle. Breathing heavily, I gingerly picked it up, my heart clenching when I saw the severe dent on the front of the locket.

I'm so sorry Mama...

I opened the locket and instantly was met with the image of both my mother and father—my father's arms wrapped gently around my mother's waist, both looking at the camera with demure, but happy smiles. It was a black and white photograph, and their clothing was obviously not of this century; this was most likely taken when they were still human, possibly shortly after they were married. Several small cracks ran down the middle of the glass, causing me to feel another pang of guilt and sorrow for taking out my grief on something so priceless.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2016 ⏰

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