Chapter 34: A Visit to the Shaman

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I'm really sorry once again for the long delay in updating! I'd written this chapter probably in August-September, but this was actually only the first part to the chapter. I've realized that it's been way too long though since I've updated and the content seems long enough, therefore I just decided to make the first part of chapter 34 its own chapter, and the last part of chapter 34 that I'm still writing will just be chapter 35! Chapter 35 is what has been so difficult for me to write and is what has caused the delay for so long, but it's because it's another chapter that explains everything, and those are always the hardest to write >.< Not to worry though, it's the last actual chapter that will be used for explaining, after that, will all be action and romance, etc.!

Hope you enjoy this chapter! Also, my thoughts and prayers go out to anyone in Paris or who has loved ones affected by the attacks on Paris, as I've been saying,  être fort- nous t'aimons, Paris~



The thing about vampire magic is that most forms of it are illegal. That means that hardly anyone ever practices it. To most, the consequences of being caught are simply not worth it. It's actually because of that that the newer generations of vampires hardly have any magical ability—lack of use sort of just equated to it dying off in the newer generations. For instance, my magic mostly just extends to being incredibly seductive and having the ability to easily manipulate others into doing what I want. It's a sort of evolutionary trait that enhances one's ability to be a better vampire, or shall I say a better predator.

Believe it or not, people don't just naturally fall in love with me.

There may be room in me for more powers to eventually develop, but the likeliness of that isn't very high. There was a time, though, when vampires had amazing magical capabilities, capabilities that many now would consider the stuff of superheroes. For example, did you know Merlin was a vampire? The dude could not only predict the future, but also had telekinesis, the ability of transformation, and was an expert in alchemy; a practice that allows for the user to use the elements to craft whatever they wanted. It sounds a lot like chemistry, but trust me—there's a difference. Alchemy is way more badass.

Unfortunately, vampires didn't always use their magic for good; in fact, some were very wicked in the things they'd do, and would cause mass destruction to anyone around them just for the hell of it. It was after this time that the most powerful vampires, who'd finally formed the council, decided it was time to do something about it, and outlawed magic in order to be extra precautionary so that there would be no chance of vampires abusing their powers again. Anyone caught or suspected of using a serious form of vampire magic would be punished by eternal torture, and if they were lucky, then death.

Although this deters most people from attempting any kind of vampire magic that's actually useful, there are still those who continue to practice it. Most of these people are some of the oldest, most respected vampires in the world, and are actually granted permission from the council—so long as they practice within the bounds of what is given them. Because of this, another condition is if the council needs something from them, they must do it without question. In exchange for their right to use their power, they sort of became the council's sheep. Personally, I don't really know how I would feel about having such power and yet being forced to submit to that.

In the vampire world, we call these people shamans, somewhat similar to the shamans of the Native Americans, but with fangs and minus all of the rituals. They provided their services to any vampire, so long as they had the money to pay for it and their requests were within the boundaries the council laid out for them. Luckily for me, one of those Shamans lives only an hour and a half away from Lake Woodlands—because I was going to pay that shaman a visit, and see if her magic could finally open this damned chest my father left me. With things falling out between Diana and I, and Luke being more dangerous than I could ever have predicted, the best thing for me was to leave for a bit to think of my next plan of action.

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