Chapter 5: The Great Debate

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The next day...

The bell rang once again as I entered the classroom and made my way to my seat. A bright smile made its way across my face as I saw Luke already sitting at his desk, grinning at me. Then it disappeared and was immediately replaced with a scowl when I saw Aiden sitting on the other side of my desk, surrounded by a whole bunch of fan-girls, but still only looking at me with that mischievous smirk of his that was beginning to become quite familiar to me.

I'd almost forgotten he was in this class too now. Great.

At lunch, I'd told Lexi all about everything that happened at Vampire Studies yesterday, which I had a feeling would be my most interesting class from now on. Right when I'd mentioned a new guy, she'd bombarded me with questions:

What's his name? What does he look like? Is he hot? Did you get to talk to him?

Her giddiness had caused me to roll my eyes. Leave it to Lexi to ask every question possible. I had given her a short response:

Luke Johnson. Tall, messy black hair, navy blue eyes. Oh, Lexi he is FINE!! And yes, I talked to him practically the whole period! Oh, and did I mention he's not a vampire?

By the time I finished, Lexi was squeaking and clapping her hands excitedly.

Oh Diana, I'm so happy for you! Luke Johnson, huh? Even his name sounds pretty hot! I'm sure he's totally into you, you're too hot for him not to be.

I had given a scoff at that. It's not that I didn't find myself pretty or anything-I just didn't care. Unlike the rest of the superficial school population, I was so much more about personality than actual looks. You could be the hottest guy at school, but if your personality sucked, I couldn't give a shit. Case in point, Aiden Vaughan.

And then speaking of Aiden Vaughan...

Ugghh, I'd said out loud. Lexi looked at me worriedly. I forgot to tell you, Aiden's in that class too. AND he also sits next to me.

No fucking way! You're serious?

I'd simply nodded grimly.

That is...

AMAZING! You get to sit next to two of the hottest guys ever for the rest of the school year!

Lexi, did you all of a sudden forget how much I absolutely loathe Aiden?

No, I didn't. I'm sorry Diana, that really does suck for you. But I'm still absolutely jealous. I so wish I could trade places with you right now.

I shook my head before replying, 

Lexi, if it weren't for Luke, I would totally let you.

I sat down, immediately turning to Luke and purposely ignoring Aiden. He flashed me his sexy grin before he mouthed,


Hey, I mouthed back, smiling widely, before turning my attention to Mr. Vlad who had just begun talking in his annoying noise people called a "voice."

"Now class, today I'm going to talk about the pro's and con's of the vampire race."

He abruptly started laughing then, looking like a lunatic as he did so.

"Oh, who am I kidding? As far as I can tell, there are no con's to our race!"

As if on cue, the rest of the class joined into the laughter. Really, now? What was this, some kind of really cheesy sitcom or something?

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