Chapter 10: Mission Accomplished

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It was time to honor my side of the bargain.

I internally grimaced, wondering again why I'd decided to do this for her in the first place.

I stood in one of the balconies protruding from the second floor of the school building, and looked out at all of the humans peering up at me from below.  It was just moments before when I'd told my entire "fan club" that I wanted to have a sort of meeting with them, and the news spread instantly like wildfire. I had to come up with a good place for them to meet with me, and the only place I could think of big enough to fit all of them was the school courtyard, which thankfully was pretty big. Still, I had a pretty good vantage point from here, and I could see that even so, they all barely managed to squeeze in together, making it seem like they were really at a Muse concert or something, rather than a sort of "meeting" for me. From here, I could see just how many fan-girls I actually had, and I had to estimate at least over three hundred.

Damn, all these people for me? I really am that awesome...

The thought disappeared however after I was instantly reminded that possibly all of these people had threatened to kill Diana in the most ruthless of ways. Even if it was Diana we were talking about, that was truly more savage than anything most vampires would do, and we drink blood to live. This may or may not sound surprising, but since the existence of vampires, there has always been a set moral code, or law, which was like our ten commandments in which murder, especially murder caused by blood-draining, was one of the worst possible crimes you could commit—punishable by torture, and even death. However, since then, they've put an end to that last part in order to adjust to modern times. Now we just follow the laws set by humans in their governments, though the moral code still exists more as a sort of social etiquette than anything else.

Even so, there were some vampires who hated this archaic code. I wasn't one of them; I followed it word for word because, believe it or not, I actually believed in that whole "with great power comes great responsibility" shit.

So considering this, it was embarrassing really to realize that it was these kinds of people—humans—that adored and admired me.

By the way they were looking at me, one definitely couldn't tell that these girls could actually be capable of such thoughts. They all just stared up at me with matching innocent looks of admiration as well as curiosity, and nearly all were squealing and screaming out how much they loved me, making me fear my eardrums would burst. By the way they all stood there, eagerly anticipating my next words, it was as if I was leading some sort of cult where they were my faithful disciples or something. The thought was cringe-worthy. Just looking at their gullible, trusting faces, however, I knew getting them to do as I say wouldn't  take much effort, probably even no effort at all.

"Now you're all probably wondering why I've called you here," I began then, and already I could hear the squealing and screaming getting louder, if that was even possible. I mean it was typical (and even a bit flattering at times), but still extremely fucking annoying. I didn't even last a full second before they started their usual obsessed, infatuated cries.

Well this was a new record—usually it took them at least two seconds before they started.

Finally, I said my next words, "And it's because I have something very important to tell you."

I could see the expressions in their faces quickly change to one of hope, making me wonder just what exactly they thought I was going to tell them.

"It's about Diana Louis," I then said—instantly I heard waves of disgusted sneers, and even hisses too, coming from the crowd before me. They all looked revolted, as if I'd uttered one of the worst curses imaginable. I almost thought it was amusing that they hated her even more than I did, considering she hadn't even done anything to them and I had all the more reason to loathe her.

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