Chapter 27: Homecoming Plans

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"So, Diana..."

"Yes, Luke?"

We were both sitting at our lunch table, facing in toward each other. We'd just gotten our lunches out when Luke suddenly addressed me, and I could immediately tell he was nervous. He kept wringing his hands and tapping his feet. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Lexi, giving him this pointed look before nodding him on in encouragement.

Okay, what was going on...

He cleared his throat and then grabbed my hands. I was startled at first, but relaxed when I noticed the gesture was meant to be sweet, as always.

"I know this is really late and I should've done this a long time ago and I could've been a hell of a lot more romantic about it—"

"Yes?" I stopped him mid-ramble, trying to make him get to the point already.

Luke gave me an apologetic little half-smile once catching on to how he had been babbling. Squeezing my hands a little, he finally sighed before asking,

"Will you go to homecoming with me?"

For a second I just stared at him, noticing the nervousness return as he anticipated my response. Finally, a slow smile spread across my face until I was practically beaming at him.

"Of course, Luke!"

His face lit up almost instantly. He looked so happy at my words, it reminded me a lot of an excited puppy, and it took everything in me not to coo at how adorable it was.

"Geez, took you long enough!"

We both turned to look at Lexi, who was sitting there with her arms crossed, though a giant, genuine smile was plastered on her face. All of us laughed then, and the atmosphere was cheerful once more. Luke slung his arm around me, causing a rush of warmth to spread throughout me. Everything seemed to be perfect at that moment and I'd be damned if there was anything that could ruin it.

"Well hello, Diana!"

Well shit, I guess I thought too soon.         

All of our heads instantly shot up to look at the newcomer. Shock was plainly written all over our faces as we stared up at Aiden, who was standing right in front of our table, a tray of food and a bottle of blood in his hands. His eternal smirk was once again on his face as he stared back at the three of us.

"Mind if I join you all?" he asked innocently, his smirk widening as he took in our ridiculous expressions.

Being the first to get out of my stupor, I shot him a WHAT-THE-FUCK-ARE-YOU-DOING look. However, he was being civil so I couldn't exactly find a reason to reject his request. Finally, I responded through my teeth, "I don't see why not."

He gave me a grin that was so clearly full of mischief before he finally took a seat in front of me, right next to Lexi—who looked as if she were very close to passing out. He gave me a knowing look that I unfortunately couldn't return because I had no idea what the hell was going through his mind. His eyes then drifted to Luke's arm wrapped around my shoulder and I only barely caught the smile freezing on his face and the slight tightening around his eyes before it was all gone in a flash. Slowly, he brought his gaze up to Luke, who was practically giving him a death glare. Instantly, Aiden returned it with his own.

Geez these guys seriously did not know the meaning of the word subtle.

Finally, he managed to break the staring/pissing contest and turned to look at Lexi. Upon meeting his gaze, her face immediately shot up in scarlet. I'm pretty sure she also made an incredibly high-pitched squeal, too. Aiden's face twisted into one of concern upon seeing her state, but I could see his lips twitching as he tried not to laugh.

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