Chapter 8: Repercussions

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So before I'd written that Aiden called the other vampires "vags." I've finally changed that because I honestly just thought it was a little too offensive and not really that funny (plus I forget that vag is another slang word for something else lol). It took me a while, however, to come up with another nickname because there isn't really much you could do to make an insult that makes sense but also obviously links to the word "vampire". I know I didn't really trade it for a much better word because it's still a pretty dirty word, but at least it's not a highly offensive word that targets a specific group of people! So yeah, just letting those of you who've read this before know that this is a somewhat major change I've made while editing.



I pulled my clothes on absentmindedly, thinking about my recent conversation with Dane. Dane isn't one of my close friends or anything; in fact, I barely like the guy. The only reason we were "friends" at all was because he was a fellow vampire, and for the most part we vampires always stick together no matter what, regardless of what our sentiments toward each other were. It also helped that, because I had stronger vampire blood (yeah, there's such thing as strong and weak vampire blood), he was pretty much almost forced to respect me.

It was basically like this: we vampires have a social hierarchy—the stronger (or essentially purer) the vampire blood, the higher up in the hierarchy you go. I know, stupid, huh? It was set up, long before humans ever knew we even existed, in order to create "order" in the vampire world. Really, it all had to do with power, for those that were higher up in the hierarchy were also essentially more physically powerful due to their blood.

The people in the highest rank of the hierarchy were technically the only ones who had authority over all of the vampires, but there have been a lot of times where the vampires in the other ranks tried to break these rules and impose their power over vampires in lower classes. Although I'll admit sometimes I take advantage of my stronger blood to manipulate them into doing what I wanted, I was nothing close to the ones that practically treated them like slaves—unlike the rest of those greedy bastards, I wasn't power-hungry.

The whole strong blood/weak blood system was very much similar to medieval feudalism, but not quite as strict. I wasn't high in the hierarchy, I was more of in the middle, but there were still many others lower than me, like Dane and Celine, so it didn't bother me too much. It just meant I had more freedom, but more importantly the added benefit of not being low enough for the rest of the vampire race to look down on me.

It wasn't because of this, however, that I could hardly stand Dane. It was really just because he's an overly-cocky douche who only likes to brag about his sexual conquests (A.K.A. his most recent meal). Literally, that's all he ever talks about. I'm not going to lie, even I do it, but he does it to a point to where I want to punch him in the face just so he can shut up. Especially when he acts as if he's the god of sex every time he boasts, but everyone knows he's nothing compared to me.

So when he started talking to me a few minutes ago, I had braced myself for another extremely long description of the latest fuck session he'd had. However, when he mentioned Diana's name, I instantly tuned in again, thinking for a second that she was his latest conquest. And then when he used her name in a sentence that didn't involve sex, I don't know why, but I felt almost relieved. Only for a split-second though—after that I just felt curious as to why he mentioned her in the first place.

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