Chapter 6: So it Begins

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I really felt weird writing all those curse words and somewhat explicit thoughts, just know that I wrote that for the sake of the story and being realistic on what someone like Aiden would think and feel and do if he were pissed off.



I watched as Diana practically sprung out of her chair and out the door as soon as the bell rang.

Because if they're all like you, I'm glad I never did and hope I never will.

She really knew how to keep surprising me. However, unlike yesterday, where I thought it was a bit cute, now I was just completely pissed off.

No human talked to vampires that way—no human definitely ever talked to me that way. I'm Aiden fucking Vaughan, goddammit! Humans were supposed to fall at our feet wherever we went! That's the way it is, and that's the way it always has been, even before they even knew we were actually vampires!

Who the hell did she think she was?

I can't believe I ever found her cute, because now that I think about it, fucking hideous was a more accurate description of her; what with her dull, gray-green eyes and her revolting red hair, it wasn't surprising that no guy—vampire or human—wanted her.

Whatever, she isn't even worth my time. And all of this over a stupid argument!

I hadn't meant for things to get so serious; when I started arguing with her, it was more of a fun way to see how annoyed I could get her. However, somewhere along the way it changed, probably when she finally confirmed what I'd only ever heard from others—just how much she hated vampires, as well as the reason why. Then, it was like a dam burst in me, and all of the anger from the day before came back; and there wasn't anything I could do to stop it. I'd thought I'd finally gotten to the vampire-hater, but then she had to make that damn statement:

Because if they're all like you, I'm glad I never did, and hope I never will...

That bitch!

Pulling my head out of my thoughts, I remembered it had already been a few minutes ago since the bell had rung. I was so distracted that I hadn't even packed my things yet, so I quickly gathered my stuff and slung my bag over my shoulder. As soon as I headed toward the exit, I saw someone standing in the doorway, out-right staring at me.

It was the new human boy, Lucas or Luka or something. Honestly I couldn't give a shit what his actual name was—he was human after all.

As he stood there watching me, me looking back at him in confusion, I could see a cold fury in his navy blue eyes. Then, as if this wasn't the weirdest thing ever, he just slowly turned around and walked away.

Seriously, what just happened?

And what the hell is his problem?

Wow, in just one day I managed to come across two people who don't give vampires the proper respect we deserve. Just my luck. Shaking my head furiously, I walked out of the classroom.

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