Chapter 39: A Needed Reprieve

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I think I'm going to start dedicating all of my chapters to some of my biggest fans who have supported me constantly throughout this story. Although, you all deserve it for being so awesome :)



I stared down at Diana as the morning light shined on her face. I would say it was the most beautiful sight I'd ever seen—except her hair was an absolute mess and there was drool puddling all around her mouth. I'll admit that it had taken everything in me not to laugh out loud when I first saw her like that, and yet I found nothing unattractive about her at all. In fact, I couldn't be more attracted to her than I was now.

Especially now that I knew without a doubt that I was in love with her, and she loved me back.

I grinned to myself like a fool as I reminded myself yet again that I'd finally captured Diana's heart completely, although in truth the more incredible feat was the fact that she had captured mine. Never before this year had I thought that I'd ever be one to fall in love, and yet here I was confessing my love—to a human girl who I used to despise nonetheless. The past me would have died of the horror.

It's funny, how life works.

In truth, when I'd initially awoken, it took me a few moments to even realize where I was and what had happened last night, but seeing Diana in my arms was an instant reminder of all that had passed. It almost felt too surreal, the events that occurred; I'd been shot with a fucking crossbow by the girl I love, then found out after eleven years that my missing parents had been killed by Luke's uncle all along, and at the end of the night I confessed my love to the same girl who shot me.

Part of me even wondered if all of that could possibly have happened last night, but here Diana was, and the feel of her soft breathing on my bare chest, her warm skin against mine, and her silky red hair lightly brushing my skin were the most real feelings I could possibly experience. That, and the feel of my fangs poking my lips as my arousal slowly rose in remembrance of the other events that occurred just before we fell asleep.

Fighting for control, I pushed my fangs—and hence my arousal—back as much as I could. As amazing as it would be to continue from where we left off last night, the last thing I wanted was to freak her out when she woke up. It had taken every ounce of restraint I had left for me to even be able to relax enough to fall asleep last night. Gritting my teeth, I forced my mind to attend to other matters.

I honestly don't know what came over me in the moment that I told Diana I loved her. I sure as hell hadn't planned that, but at the time all I could think was that if anything mattered more in that moment, it was that I needed to tell her this one thing. Perhaps it was a deeper realization that now the only thing I had left to lose was her.

Diana shifted, snuggling up closer to me and rubbing her head to my chest. As if instinctively, my hands immediately went to touch her; my right hand soothingly rubbing the skin of her back and my left gently stroking her red strands of hair. Whatever pain and sorrow I'd felt last night had dulled, and although there was still an ache—there would always be an ache—as long as I had Diana in my arms it was something that I could bear. She'd filled a peace in me that I'd never felt before; I'd never even thought it would be possible to feel happy after the events of yesterday, but I'll be damned if I said I wasn't.

I guess this is what love does.

I lay there contently, never wanting this to end. However, a reluctant part of me knew that reality wouldn't have it. I needed to face today, and I needed to talk to Sheriff Ramirez about what happened yesterday—for as long as Luke and his uncle were on the loose, we weren't safe. Diana was my first and foremost priority now, and so long as I could help it, I wasn't going to allow her to be in danger ever again.

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