Chapter 32: Breaking and Entering

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I gripped onto the steering wheel hard as I sped toward the address I'd found in the student directory—thank God for those! Though I never exactly told her, it was how I even found Diana's address in the first place when I first showed up at her house; unfortunately, despite how I'd made it sound before, I had no real "connections" that could do the work for me. As I got closer and closer to my destination my mind raced back to what Sheriff Ramirez had told me after he'd finally looked into Luke's background.

According to records, Luke's parents were murdered seven years ago; the description of the murders on the report Sheriff Ramirez dug up came from an eye-witness account given by Luke. It described that on the night his parents were killed in their home in Elmont, New York, Luke—who'd only been ten at the time—had gone up to their room to find that there were two figures standing beside his parents' bed. Because the room was pitch black save the light coming from the open doorway, the only glimpse he got of the murderers was that both had seemingly light hair. The thing was, he apparently claimed he only had the chance to look at the perpetrators for a split second before they simply "disappeared".

He had called the cops after discovering that his parents were hurt, and upon arriving at the residence, police reports described the scene as "gruesome and horrific." Blood had spilled from their severed  throats, drenching not only their clothes but the entire bed beneath. 

As Officer Ramirez had relayed his findings to me, something in me just knew in my gut that whoever had killed Luke's parents had to be vampires, especially when the autopsy report revealed later that the wounds on his parents' necks looked to have been two large, circular lacerations—likely from fangs. However, this was before vampires had come out of hiding. As far as they knew, vampires didn't exist; the murder weapon could have been a two pronged fork (as if anyone would use that to murder someone). So, of course they didn't even rule the possibility that the murderers could have been anything other than human.

The case didn't stay open for very long, for lack of evidence. There was no murder weapon left behind, no trace of DNA other than Luke's and his parents—not even a sign of breaking and entering. There was only Luke's testimony, and even that wasn't very substantial because of how little of a description they had to go off, and the fact that he'd supposedly only seen the figures for an instant. If anything, Luke would have been listed as the primary suspect if the local police didn't give him the benefit of the doubt and opt not to.

The case closed after a year, remaining unresolved. By that point, Luke had already been living with his uncle here in Lake Woodlands—who'd gained custody of him—being privately home-taught until finally getting into public school this year, which is why no one had known about him 'til now.

After hearing everything about Luke's past, I felt stunned. And this whole time I thought I'd had it bad. Though I hated the guy's guts, I couldn't help feeling sympathy for Luke. Between him, me, and Diana, he definitely took the prize for most fucked up childhood—not that there was actually a pity-competition going on. The thing was, as much as I felt for him, his story only made him more of a contender for whoever was out to get me. It made sense now why he seemed to have a hatred towards vampires, although it still didn't exactly explain why he would be after me specifically.

It was for this reason that I was driving to his house now to finally see who the fuck Luke Anderson really was.


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