Chapter 7: You asked for it

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"And that—" I said, slamming down the last crispy green dollar bill, "—is a total of eight hundred twenty dollars and eighty-five cents, my friends!"

I grinned triumphantly as I looked down at the huge stack of cash sitting on the lunch table. Luke sat to my left while Lexi sat on my right. They both stared at the pile with matching looks of admiration and awe.

"Well, you definitely put those books to much better use," Luke finally said, smiling and shaking his head in disbelief.

I smirked. "Yep," I responded, popping the p. "I mean, at first I wanted to chuck the damn things into a bonfire, but when I thought about it, I realized, 'why waste them that way when I could totally do something that would be so much more beneficial to me?' So I thought of the next best thing—why not just sell them?"

And, though I usually find them disgusting, in this case thank God for all of those crazy, obsessed vampire fans who would waste a good twenty bucks just to have a stupid fictional book about offense, Lexi."

Lexi narrowed her eyes at me but then shrugged, showing me she hadn't really taken offense. After all, she knew it was true.

"Honestly," I continued then, "I should technically be thanking Aiden for making me rich."

I paused for a second before I burst out laughing at the ridiculous idea.

"Like that would ever happen! The only thing he deserves from me is for me to give him the finger right in his face."

 Luke grinned in approval while Lexi simply shook her head and rolled her eyes.

"So what else are you going to do?" Luke then asked, and I gave him a questioning stare. He elaborated, "I mean you aren't going to stop at this, right? You're going to get back at him for all that he's put you through?"

There was something strange about the way Luke was saying all of that, but I couldn't quite figure out the source.

I responded, "Of course I am! I'm not just going to let him get away with that—even if he did make me rich in a way. That jerk deserves so much more pay-back!"

Luke's lips pulled into that damn sexy grin. He opened his mouth to reply, but it was Lexi's voice that next came out.

"So what are you going to do?"

She looked and sounded a bit worried, which was completely understandable. I knew she was still a fan of the vampires, but to my absolute adoration, she actually put me first before them. Still, I could tell she didn't want me to get myself into any trouble with them and vice versa.

The thing was, I wasn't quite sure I could quite do that. Not when it came to Aiden.

Finally, I responded, "Oh, I've definitely got something up my sleeve."

I then proceeded to give them an evil grin and watched as my two friends looked at me, and then slowly looked at each other—their expressions pretty much saying, "Oh no, here we go..."

Later the next day, I snuck into the boys' locker room with Luke leading the way. I'd asked him to help me get Aiden back, and he was almost more than happy to do so. I learned that he and Aiden saw each other after school and also during fourth period since Aiden was in football as well—he was the head quarterback, in fact. 

Of course

So I devised a plan that involved getting into the boys' locker room after school while everyone else was at football practice (Luke would be faking sick)—hoping that no one, or even worse, Aiden, happened to just walk in while I was still in there.

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