Chapter 26: It Isn't Just Spaghetti

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It was half past six when I stepped into Diana's foyer, quietly shutting the door behind me and turning the lock afterward. Instantly, the noise of the TV drifted to me from the living room. Knowing that that's where I would find Diana, a grin made its way across my face as I slowly walked towards the living room. I stopped at the doorway, leaning against the frame as I watched Diana, who was sitting with her legs crossed on the couch, a bowl of what looked to be Ramen in her hand. She was completely engrossed with whatever was on the screen, which I believe was that show "How I Met Your Mother." Noting her appearance, I saw that she was dressed for comfort—simply wearing yoga pants and a tank top, her red hair in a bun. All in all, she looked absolutely adorable.

Finally sensing my presence, she turned her gaze from the TV screen to me, her eyes widening when they actually registered me standing there. A puzzled expression flitted across her face before she gave me a little smile and said, "Hey, when did you get in?"

"Just now," I answered.

Pushing myself off the doorframe, I made my way to the couch and seated myself at the opposite end, turning in to face her. She slowly moved to face me as well, and for a second we just observed each other. Staring at her, my thoughts flitted to how our relationship with each other was continually changing. Since the first time we actually met, we've had so many ups and downs, there were almost too many to count—not to mention it was confusing as hell. However, recently, it had been growing into something more.

I thought of the moment we'd shared only a few days ago, after I'd told her my story. Her grey eyes had peered into mine with that knowing look of hers, as if she could see through every single piece of me, and when the sight of her pain made me feel it tenfold, it had hit me like a train. I shared with her a part of me no one else had ever seen, and I realized that the only reason I'd done so was because I liked her. I really, truly, absolutely liked the vampire-hater Diana Louis.

I liked her smartass comments. I liked her dorkiness and I liked her wittiness. I liked how fearless she was and the way she was unafraid to always be herself. But even more, I liked the way she was so incredibly faithful to those she loved. I admired the fact that she was honest to everyone and to herself, even if the truth wasn't exactly pretty. Most importantly, I liked her compassion and her caring side that such a select few ever got to see, and it made me all the more proud to know that I was one of those few. Also, I'm not going to lie; I thought her red hair and grey eyes were incredibly hot. 

Now, having her so close to me and finally knowing how I really felt about her, it took everything in me to not rush to her side and kiss those lips of hers that just always seemed to be begging me to kiss them. I realized I had a new instinct in me that I had never felt with all of the girls I had ever been with—I felt the need to make her mine.

Liking her now, I couldn't help but feel like it was like one of those forbidden romances all of those pre-pubescent girls with braces religiously obsessed over and fantasized about, and a month ago I would've thought the idea absolutely disgusting. But now, I found myself thinking that perhaps maybe it wasn't such a bad thing after all.


Snapping out of it, I blinked before focusing my attention back to her.

"Are you alright?" she asked, a worried expression on her face. Feeling a flood of affection at her genuine concern, I gave her a reassuring smile. "Yeah, I'm fine—just hungry, that's all."

She looked down at her half-eaten bowl of ramen. "Want some?" she asked dubiously. She appeared to think it over and came to a sudden realization, for her eyes suddenly widened and she then asked more hesitantly,

"Or are you...thirsty?"

The reminder caused other unexpected feelings to stir within me. Oh, if I had the opportunity to have a taste of her blood while making sweet love to her, I bet it would be absolutely—

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