twenty-one | madness

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comment of the chapter: @AnythingAnEverything: This is amazing!<3 I absolutley love this story! Your writing expresses your character's feelings in such a way, that I find myself reading intently over and over again the thoughts of them. I take their thoughts and feelings into consideration of what really happens in the world, and I find myself wanting to learn more of how your characters think. :)

I love Sophia's way of thinking, and your way of writing. You are very talented! :)


"I'm proud of you." She hummed.

I'm not, you drunk scum.

For some reason, I felt a veil of undying hatred cover me entirely. It didn't take an Einstein for me to realize that I was shifting.

I had edged over contentment and my anger was ready to break out.

song: madness by muse

Warning: this chapter deals with heavy topics, such as: violence, murder, drug use, suicide, and rape. Read at your own discretion.

twenty-one | madness


The human mind is like the ocean, in a sense that only few have ventured into its blackness that stretched long past sanity. With waves larger than skyscrapers, the ocean had drowned sailors and ships, scattering chipped wood, and bodies of the innocent and the guilty men who had not had the chance to ask for forgiveness.

I felt myself diving into the splintered bits of mahogany, and pushing past the deceased, but still, I was the sole survivor in the depths of my mind.

But sometimes, I found myself being pulled down by the myriad of thoughts that lingered down near the seventy-five percent of undiscovered sea creatures.

That is what I felt now as I was being locked in a straight jacket and teeth guard to prevent me from biting after I clawed at Ed's face for being a compulsive liar.

"What the hell?" He screamed. I felt his spit hit the side of my face. I heard the anger seep through every foul word he yelled, "You nearly took off my face!" I heard the pleads of others trying to calm him down as I was being restrained.

I would have ripped it off if I wasn't stopped, the deep voice inside me growled. It scared me how sinister it sounded - how unlike me - but I enjoyed the rush that raced through my veins.

"You're a damned psycho!" Ed screamed as I heard them take him away.

A needle pierced my thigh. I winced as the sting of them releasing the fluid into my flesh was felt. I moaned in pain and pushed out the teeth guard with my tongue.

"What are you doing to me?" I hollered and resisted against the hands holding me down. My hands were already useless, but my legs were free. I kicked and screamed for freedom, "Let me go, let me go!"

"Someone get a higher dose of the sedative." A man demanded as I fought.

"Why are you doing this to me? I did nothing wrong!" My raspy voice yelled.

"Nothing wrong? You nearly ripped a Ed's face off for no apparent reason!" It was Diane who spoke, "You need help, Sophia, help that I can't supply."

I subsided my movements, "Doctor, what do you mean?"

I heard hushed whispers, but no one had the nerve to tell me what was going on.

"You're being moved to the psychiatric ward for the holidays. Your actions have shown us that you aren't stable right now, you need somewere good for your soul. You need help, Sophia. We will provide that for you, I promise." A man answered, "Patel, Johnson, take her down to Wing 3, Ward C please."

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