three | overthinking

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 "He who would learn to fly one day must first learn to stand and walk and run and climb and dance; one cannot fly into flying." -Friedrich Nietzsche

three . overthinking


Have you ever felt like your body was being lifted up into the sky? Like whatever you've been going through meant nothing at all? You can just fall freely without getting hurt?

Well that's how I felt, I felt like I was flying in capital-F Forever. I felt like whatever I did would help me soar higher in the sinuous mentality I was in.

I felt drugged. As if my spirit was floating outside of my body and was hovering over me. I felt as though I was watching myself slowly fall into an abyss of false hope and faith, a major contradiction, I know. I felt like this euphonium of energy was slowly suffocating me, pulling me down with all the masochistic feelings that came with being human.

Would I survive, or would I let the negative exertion of my mind ruin me?


"Sophia? Sophia, are you hearing me?" I felt two petite hands make their way to my chest, "Her hearts' beating, but her vitals are completely dead."

Scatters of feet ran around what I'm guessing was a room. "What time was she admitted and what is her condition now?" A male voice asked while scribbling something on a paper.

"About five minutes ago. An anonymous man brought her in saying she was fine, but one minute she was okay, just a bit limp, then at the next, she began convulsing violently. When we were rolling her in she continuously thrashed around. Then she just stopped."

The scribbling stopped, "And you said her vitals are gone?"

Multiple sounds of approval came from around.

I heard footsteps come my way then open one of my eyelid. A burning sensation came across my it but was stopped shortly after.

A deep huff was heard, "Her vision is gone. Temporary or permanant, I don't know as yet. But whatever happened in events before this, it removed her vision." 

The room went absolutely silent as they all sent their best wishes to my future endeavors as a sightless girl. They may not have said it aloud, but I now know what the silence held. The silence was merely a preperation of what I'd withstand for the next days of my life. This was the beginning to my colorless life filled with nothing but the deafening silence.


"Sophia, wake up, it's me Anna." Her hands poked my shoulder, "Hon, let's get home." My eyes opened from a daze as she helped herself pull me up.

My lower region was in pain, more or less, but it didn't bother me as much as the feeling of the clothing I was wearing. They were not mine. The stretchy material of the yoga pants I wore prior was now replaced with an oversized pair of slacks. The jumper I had worn before stil felt the same. I rubbed my hands against the fabric of the pants and spoke softly, "Whose clothes are these?"

There was a short pause, "Harry's. Liam said that your old ones were dirty due your monthly present. He changed you into one of Harry's." 

It took me a moment to function out that Liam was the one who changed me and not Harry. "He saw me bare?" I swallowed a little too loudly with the beating of my chest speeding up. Did he notice anything wrong? Would he tell anyone?

I felr her hand on my shoulder, "Don't worry, as usual, he's the most responsible according to fact and media. He wouldn't do anything to cause harm. That, and he has an absolutely stunning girlfriend."

I shrugged slowly, still contemplating his actions, "Can we just leave?"


I sat in the corner of the bathroom trying to get past recent events. Someone had hurt her. I didn't know her, nor did I think I'd ever get the chance to, but she looked like a nice enough person. Why would someone hurt her? Scratch that, why would someone hurt another human being in general?

My eyes darted to her pants that I had removed from her. The spandex material was coated, on the most private area, with blood. My eyes caught hold of the deep red stains on her clothing. Either her monthly friend decided to pay her a visit, or someone she didn't want to did. Seeing her in the state she was in when I had arrived,  the second choice held all truth.

She had dozed off after our little meet up in the washroom. Most guys would have gotten a kick out of having the chance to undress and wash up an unconscious girl, but me? I handled her without actually looking at her in that way. In my eyes, she was a girl who needed assistance, and I was the one who happened to be there, so I took role.

Maybe this is why everyone calls me the mature one of us all. Maybe it's because I can predict how each of the boys would act in this situation, and do the exact opppsite, and do the right thing.

Harry would look at the chance of undressing and washing her up as a chance to hit on the girl. He'd work all his charms and find a way to get her to say yes to one of his infamous dates, even if she was unconventionally beautiful. It was all about the chase. As cliche as it sounded, he'd probably flirt just so he knrw that the affect he had still worked.

Louis, being Louis, would try to help her as well. Seeing as he had sisters, this situation would probably affect him more that most. Picturing his sister in this position might had overcome him and he would not have been able to continue. His big heart could only handle so much.

Niall would be in complete and utter shock. His large heart also goes miles, but in a predicament as this one, he would be most vulnerable. Niall is the one that can switch from this to that in the matter of moments. Although his sibling are not sisters, he would also become weary at the thought.

Apart from me, Zayn is also well balanced in the head. He would have done what I did. He would, in the most respective manor, help the girl. He would gently try to rid her of her pain. He'd try to help her in the way he knew how, by giving his advice.

My eyes darted back to the bloody pant on the opposing corner of the room. Should I had said something, or should I remain quiet until she spoke out? Would it be an invasion of privacy if I didn't keep quiet?

"Liam, are you in there? I need to use the bathroom if it's okay with you." A soft chuckle came from Harry's mouth. "You've been in there for a bit, do you need the stool softener pill? I have in the cabinet."

I quickly stood up, in no mood for Harry's jokes. I grabbed the clothing items

and held it to my chest. I pushed open the door and walked past Harry. I moved through to the front door and let the fresh air hit my face. I just stood in the middle of the concrete floor and took multiple deep breaths. The few locals that were out trying to capture the scene that had unfolded, had grown tired of waiting and eventually left. I shook the thought of them out of my mind and began walking.

I made my way back to my flat in, surprisingly, one piece. When I opened the door, I sat on the couch and let go of the crumpled cloth in my hand. I hadn't realize I picked it up again and laid it in the hamper then retreated to my previous seat.

I leant my head against the rest I closed my eyes actually wanting to sleep for a little while. What can I say? One day filled with unexpected events can wear you out faster than you'd think.

As I faded into the idea of sleep, I let my mind wander to the girl.

Yes, partially written in Liam's perspective. Hopefully I did justice to the male gender!

It's short, I'm really sorry.


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