nine | realization

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Dedicated to @carrots457 , you're amazing

Song: Twenty Years by Augustana

(Sidebar picture will be described in the authors note!)

nine | realization


The ride to the station was an eerie shade of quiet. It seemed like you could cut the tension in the room and serve it on a golden platter. The only sound being emitted from the room we now sat in were the sounds of distant voices from behind closed doors.

I was seated in an iron seat that was very uncomfortable. I pretty much felt my tailbone jutting into the chairs.

My hands were resting in my lap and impatiently tapped one another as I waited for someone to begin speaking.

Soon enough, someone did.

"Sorry for running a little late, my name is Officer Phillip Wesley, I'll be the representative of the police department for your case from now forth." The chair rattled when he sat and his husky voice hawked. "Sophia Fintry, the information I share with you today must be acted on as of tomorrow because there can be potential endangerment problems with you." 

I nodded and choked on the ball forming in my throat. Why was I so afraid to admit that I was scared? Deep inside, I knew that I didn't want to know who was behind this because then I'd have to reevaluate these new ties I'd recently begun making.

Okay yes, I still don't fully like Liam and Zayn is now on my hit list, but I mean it's a step up from where I was two weeks ago when I spoke to no one and no one spoke to me. Maybe they aren't real. Maybe this is like one of those movies where they are my guardian angels and were sent to lead me the right way.

I laughed. That's pathetic. If someone were to lead me the right way, don't you think it would have been done by now? Why would they wait until my teenage years a pretty much over? 

Honestly, this emotionless exterior I've let out for everyone to see was, and still is, a facade. I hated the sympathy people gave me. It was like they cared for a full two minutes because they fully understand what you've been through.

Really? They understand what I feel?

So, they're saying, they understand the reason I talk very little is because I'm afraid of the sound of my own voice?

They understand how it feels to open their eyes and see nothing but darkness?

They understand how it feels to be completely intimidated by yourself because you know you'll never be good enough?

Let me tell you something.

No one understands.

No one will ever understand.

"Sophia?" Liam asked, "Are you okay?" His hand touched my shoulder and I flinched for no apparent reason. He retreated his hand and spoke again, "You were out of it and you kind of snarled." He chuckled silently but I didn't. The thoughts that ran through my mind weren't worthy of any kind of laugh.

I shrugged and opened my ears to listen to the voice of the officer instead of my horrible thoughts that plagued me.

"To get started on the case itself you have to remember back to when we took those pictures of the marks going across your neck. Well with American technology, we used the area between the marks and had to make a theory as to where the person was standing." He spoke a bunch of things that I didn't understand, but supposedly Liam did because he hummed sounds of understanding. "With that same technology, we were able to calculate the height of the attacker, and that canceled out some key suspects."

Blinded // DiscontinuedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora