four | anger

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Dedicated to Jakkii for giving me some ideas! And for being such a good friend!

four. anger


It had been three days since the incident and I still had not left the room. I have not showered, brushed my teeth, changed my clothes, I haven't even moved from the position on the bed I was in.

I did not care about anything anymore. Just when I thought it couldn't get worse, life turned around and smacked me in the face. It showed me that no matter how hard I tried, I could not win.

I heard soft murmurs coming from behind the door. In my attempt of trying to shut out the voices I heard, my bladder betrayed me. The pain in my lower abdomen caused me to actually get up this time. Maybe holding in for a few days was not my smartest idea.

Using the headboard, strategically, I pushed myself up and used the walls as a guide to the door. I stumbled on something and landed on my back. I stayed in my position with my eyes tightly closed as the object pierced my body. I turned slightly and pulled the item from beneath. 

Inspecting it with my fingers, it turned out to be a paintbrush. A brush that I had flung to the side and neglected for however long. That brush was the lone ranger. The straggler who didn't have a home.

Yes, I really needed to release my bladder. If an extremely full bladder caused me to victimize my paintbrushes, I needed to reevaluate myself.

I made my way to the door and twisted the cool metal door knob and crept out slowly, not wanting to interrupt the conversation going on.

"Harry how can I? She's blind for crying out loud!" Anna's voice said loudly, clearly unaware of my presence. Well, to my knowledge. Maybe she saw me, who knows.

"It's not like I'm saying to run away with me, just move in! I live fifteen minutes away, she seems to be able to manage herself!" There was a slight beg in his voice, "I don't think she really needs you for much except driving. She's a major block in your life when she can do her own thing most times. Not to sound insensitive, but I know if I was blind, I would not want someone to help me do my things. I'd want to prove to myself that even though society says I can't, I will."

"Amen," I mumbled inwardly. I tried to keep my balance as I ambled to the bathroom door which was to the left of my room. I still kept quiet.

"But if I move in with you, who will stay with her?" Anna's voice asked softly.

"She can't handle herself Anna, just because she can't see doesn't mean she is incapable of doing things herself." His voice grew with annoyance. 


I cut her off, unable to keep my silence any longer, "Just go with him."

There was an awkward pause. Obviously they were shocked to the fact I had heard their conversion. I ignored their pleads to be heard and went into the washroom.

After I was done, I brushed up a bit; I tied my hair up in a bun, brushed my teeth and threw on whatever my hands grabbed.

"Sophia, can we talk?" Anna's voice said softly.

I braced the wall for support as I walked to the couch of the living room. I've lived in this house for almost three years, I had a pretty good understanding of where everything was. I sat on the cool leather chair, waiting for Anna to speak.

"Well as you heard before, Harry asked me to move in." I nodded slowly, "I said that'd be ridiculous seeing as you are blind. He gave me the idea that you could move in with us so it wouldn't be much different!"

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