seven | what the hell?

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Dedicated to @LaurenIsNinja because she is VERY smart.

Song:Never Let Me Go - Florence + The Machine

seven | what the hell?


"Sophia, wake up." I said, shaking her shoulder softly.

She shot up instantly with her chest heaving up and down at a vicious pace. Tears were streaming down her face and her shoulders shook from fear. "Sophia don't worry, I'm here." I cradled her in my arms and smiled as her head fell peacefully into the crook of my neck.

Let me get this straight, I'm only smiling because she began to calm down. Trust me.

"I'm sorry." She murmured softly, her warm breathe hitting my back sending a peaceful feeling over me. 

It didn't matter that it was almost four am, I promised her that I'd be here for her, no matter what. 

Her breathing never returned at a normal pace but it slowed. I waited a little before asking, "What did you dream?"

Her body stiffened again.

I rubbed circles on her back and her body eased almost instantly. She didn't speak, she just fluttered her eyes alongside my shoulder and enjoyed the feeling. 

Thoughts races through my head a mile a minute. How did it feel to be blind?

How can you dream of your blind?

Do you even see images in your dreams?

"I gave up." Her small voice said and pulled me out of my thoughts.


She sighed, "I dreamt that I gave up."

I felt the cool droplets of tears land on my shoulder blade and trickle down half of my back before evaporating into the fabric of my shirt.

"I'm not going to let you give up."

"Sure." Was all she replied not believing me at all.


I woke up to the sound of horns honking outside and about of this busy city. I began to sit up and felt a hand around me.

I looked over to my left to see Sophia's arms wrapped around my halfway risen torso. She had dry tears on her cheeks and hair scattered along the pillow. Soft snores came out of her nose as she breathed out. Her lips were slightly opened and a trail of drool was pooled on the pillow. When she slept she looked so different. 

She looked peaceful. Peaceful and innocent. Not like she was a blind girl who had been hurt.

I laid back down, pulling her closer to me. She was resting, I wouldn't want to wake her up now would I? That would be a rude thing to do seeing as she had nightmares most of the night, hence me falling asleep next to her.

As if on cue, I heard my phone ringing from the room down the hall. I inwardly groaned before gently detaching her hands from my body and stalking out the room. The phone stopped ringing once I entered. Just great.

I missed the call.

So after getting up out of that warm bed and walking to my cold room, I missed the call. Can the day get and better?

Blinded // Discontinuedحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن