Lachlan: "Ok. Done."

He let me stand up and turn around, looking in Vik's mirror. My hair looked incredible and I looked like a Japanese Empress.

????: "This looks stunning."

Kayleigh: "You look incredible."

????: "Thank you so much."

Lachlan: "Anything to help out a friend."

I gave them both a light hug before Kay helped me with some light make up, Lachlan having left to check up on the others.

Kayleigh: "Are you ready for this?"

????: "Not really. But I'm also so excited that I can barely contain myself."

Kayleigh: "This is going to be incredible. I promise. Make sure you have the voucher ready for the restaurant."

????: "I've already called them and let them know we will be coming."

Kayleigh: "And afterwards?"

????: "It leaves 12 hours after we finish dinner. Are you sure he will want to go? Especially since I gave him no notice?"

Kayleigh: "We took care of that. When you said you wanted to take him to Japan, we made sure the boys had him record a tonne of videos. I am pretty sure he has about thirty videos pre recorded, he would just need to edit."

????: "I can't wait."

Kayleigh: "No one can, alright good to go."

I turned around and took in the look. Extremely happy with the final outcome as Kayleigh smiled at me.

Kayleigh: "You look incredible."

????: "Thank you so much."

We both walked out of the room and saw Josh standing in the hall way fidgeting, but as soon as he saw me his mouth literally opened a little. I couldn't help but giggle a bit as he looked genuinely speechless.

Harry: "Holy fuck you look so good. And who knew Lachlan was good with hair."

Simon: "Should have gotten him to fix JJ's excuse of a head."

JJ: "Oi fuck off. But no you look beautiful."

????: "Thanks guys. So Josh... are you ready?"

He simply nodded his head, he moved over to me slowly before leaning in and lightly kissing me, his arm slowly and gently resting on my back. As he pulled away Ai couldn't help but smile.

Josh: "Holy fuck, I am not worthy at all."

????: "You are definitely worthy, believe me."

Josh: "You look incredible."

????: "Thanks."

I looked so happy, I'm sure I did. He made me smile so wide and so happy every single day, that I swear I was never going to be good enough for him. Yet here we are.

Vik: "Alright Josh, you get to relax while she drives."

Josh: "She won't drive, I won't let her ruin such a beautiful dress."

????: "Oh please, he is just trying to be a gentlemen."

Josh: "Is it working?"

????: "Always."

He linked his arm in mine as we waved everyone off. I grabbed my hand bag and had since placed the essential stuff in their, like the tickets, Voucher etc. as we walked down towards the car, I couldn't help but laugh at myself.

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