Oh Daddy...

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Rob's POV

Vikk: "Hey Rob how's It going man?"

Rob: "Yeah not too bad.How come your here I would have thought you would be with Lachlan. Aren't you two seeing each other?"

Vikk: "No. He seems to like someone else. Which kind of sucks I guess. Anyway we all want to head out to Nando's. The boys are going to be there as well so it could be fun."

Rob: "Always is when we get to see you Vikk. We miss you man."

Vikk: "Yeah I know. I miss you guys as well. But you know it's hard for me to stay on point with everything."

Rob: "It's ok. Alright well I'm going to get dressed. I'll see you later."

Vikk: "Well you don't...Have to get dressed."

I just walked out of the shower. A towel still wrapped around me. Making sure to conceal my obviously erect member.

Vikk: "Looking big man.Maybe you could get a Job as a professional escort. I know I'd pay for you."

He winked at me before walking out the door. He had balls and I think that's one thing I really liked about him. I could never see myself in a relationship with him. But there was one thing I could see myself doing with him.And I can also see us waking everyone else up in the house. I walked over to my bag that had been sitting on my bed and pulled out a change of clothes. Just something easy till I noticed a black Sidemen Jacket across the pillows. He must have put one there while he was here. Ah well saves me dirtying one of mine. I grabbed just a plain grey shirt and chucked on the Jacket over me. It was thin but still nice and warm. I grabbed my wallet and phone and bolted from the room. Mitch and Jerome had the hotel room next to me. I knocked on the door just as Jerome opened the door. Staring at me with just pants on.

Rob: "Oh hey sexy how you doing?"

Jerome: "Shut up Rob.Mitch is in a really pissed mood. And it just happened to happen as I was getting changed. Think I could borrow one of your shirts? I'll wash it when we get back yeah?"

Rob: "You can borrow anything you like baby."

Jerome: "One time Rob."

Rob: "Maybe I want another time?"

I stepped forwards and collided my lips with his. Running one hand over his body. He stepped back and grinned at me.

Jerome: "Maybe another time. Right now I need to get a shirt. And then meet you guys downstairs."

Rob: "Here."

I dropped my key in his hand. Telling him to take as long as he needs. He thanked me and walked off into my room. I kept my pace and headed to the elevator.Riding it down to the lobby to find Preston and Lachlan already waiting for me. I saw Preston blush as I entered. I'm surprised he could even walk after what I'd heard between him and Simon.

Preston: "Walking ok Preston?"

Lachlan started to laugh while P just looked at me with the most evil of intentions.

Preston: "Shut up. Where's everyone else?"

Rob: "Jerome needed to borrow a shirt because Mitch is pissed off about something."

Preston: "Could we guess?"

Rob: "I don't fucking know. Where's Vikk gone off to? He not long told me to get ready himself."

Lachlan: "He just walked outside. I think he is getting Josh to come by and grab some of us so we aren't all squashed in one car."

Preston: "I'll ride with Josh and Mitch. Save you guys the hassle."

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